Friday, May 30, 2008

Just over a month...

I have just passed the one month mark here at Project Walk and the trip is still going great! Here are some more updated videos of how therapy has been going...they have me up and standing for the majority of the three hours I am there and have been working on balance lately. 

Thank you again for all the comments and support!
Miss you all!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Bringing it... somewhat!

My first attempt at being Rocky Balboa!  Unfortunately the headbuts did not make it into this cut, but let me tell you they were my saving grace against the weathered bag.  

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Here we have a video from Monday's workout session. My trainers have started to push me a little more into doing my exercises standing up so we are working really hard on balance. The other video is just riding the bike - I tend to stay later after workouts to ride the bike for 15 or 20 minutes.

Hello all! We made it to the Wild Animal Park this past weekend. A little african safari anyone? We are very near desert here in south california. Pretty cool to see, but no hippos.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

So, here we have some photos from the 'family' trip to Disneyland and California Adventures. What a great place, a tad busy, but tons of fun!

Wednesday was another intense day at PW. This is the third week being here and i am still loving it. Progress continues as does the battle even with some bruises, scraps and falls. The video is me free standing between two tables catching and throwing a ball - great for balance! Appreciate hearing all the continued support, it really motivates me to push harder every day. Thank you everyone!

Monday, May 12, 2008

A Tough Monday at PW

We spent a good weekend staying out of trouble. Some more family flew in on Saturday and as a group of seven we did Disneyland all day Sunday. What a place that is! (pictures to follow soon this week).

So we finally were able to get some video up on the blog again from today at PW. We had a real good day, felt real strong, spent the last two hours of my session up on my feet and here is a couple of videos from my morning. The first one is me standing at the hand bike and the second video is the best walking we have done so far.

Hope everyone is doing well. Its great hearing from people still.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

First steps at P.W.

Wednesday I took my first steps at Project Walk. I hadn't been up on my feet in a while so it was a weird feeling again but they were some of the best steps that I have taken. We've been working really hard on my left leg to try and catch it up to my right leg and although it has a long way to go it's getting stronger. 

We spent the day at Sea World, got some cool pictures of some of the animals. Shamu the killer whale waved at me. 

Monday, May 5, 2008

Day four at P.W.

We had a great weekend! Saturday we took in a mexican festival, Cinco de Mayo, in old town San Diego. Sunday we cruised North to check out some beaches: Huntington beach, Laguna beach, Newport beach- not like you've ever seen on tv but the beaches are HUGE!

The video is from this morning , wearing a weight vest and getting myself up.

Friday, May 2, 2008

This week has kicked my ass!  We had three good 3 hour sessions of killing those muscles that 
work - even a little - and finding muscles that throb for days!  Its what I am here for though.  So below are a couple of pics from day two!! Missing seeing everyone...