Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Earl's Fundraiser April 26

A 2nd Annual Earl’s Restaurant Benefit Fundraiser

The benefit for Joel’s “Road to Recovery” is taking place on Sunday, April 26, 2009 at Earls Restaurant, Albert Street & 28th Avenue. There will be two sittings: 5:00 & 7:30 PM

Plan on coming down for an evening of food and fun, with a Silent auction and a live DJ. "Remember the fun and follies of the first Earl's benefit"

Tickets are $60.00 each, which includes a 3 course meal and all the fun you can have!

To make a donation of goods or services or obtain further information, please contact:
Joel @ 531-3131· Shane @ 539-4194· Donna @ 530-6625

To purchase tickets please contact:
Earls Restaurant @ 584-7733
(Purchase Tickets & Seating Reservations Only)·

As an additional prize, everytime you visit Earls' on Albert Street South, between now and April 26, Earl's will be selling a chance to win a $2000.00 Travel Voucher!