Here are a few shots of the Calgary trip thanks to Alana! Will post more as they come in. In the first pic: Alana and Josh. Second: Alana, Jacqui and Joel. Third...the boys looking a little "haggard." They were actually out on the dance floor during this photo. Again, it was a wonderful time!
I think Kaley had some competition from Alana for the title at the party! Just kidding! But these pics are great!
It looks like someone had a few too many pops.
our visit was good the other night. you are wonderful. another hang out soon.
love court
Looking sharp. Hope you had a good time there. I hope we can get together for a coffee or something soon. Or maybe a pop.
Hey Joel
Sorry I haven't been able to update on the goings on but I've been tied up with several of the major networks for our new show "Hippos on Homes." Seems to be a lot of interest out there. We are also trying to get a kind of artsy craftsy type show going but Martha Stewart keeps throwing her weight around and blocking us. That bitch. She sure got mean in the big house. Speaking of troubled female stars, rumour has it that it isn't really Luba Goy in an early post but Britney Spears mistaking you for one of her kids. (I don't think rehab's doing her a lot of good).
Anyhow I digress. I'm sure you've noticed that things at the house are progressing pretty well despite the help I have. Thankfully, Kenny and Donna are back in Mexico (I think his visa expired) so we don't have them to deal with. Vern shows up pretty regular but you know how that goes. Last weekend he kept going on and on about the new speed bumps in his alley (what's up with that?)
We are running into several delays at the house, due in no part to some incompetance on the foreman's part. Some of his help is pretty questionable also. Last week the beer-lady designate shows up with - get this- eight beer, and some lame ass excuse about thats all they had. Eight packs -ya sure. She was tottering about slurring her words pretty good if you ask me. In case we run into further delays I have taken it upon myself to draw up a little to do list of my own should work come to a standstill again. First on the list is to paint that furnature that keeps accumulating there. We'll probably get away from the predominance of earth tones and maybe paint them in something say psychedelic, you know 70's like. Then tin-foil in all the windows. Lava lamps. You knopw harmless stuff like that.
By the way it was great to get the toilet operational. I'm sure the neighbors were getting a little tired of the parade of us urinating in the back yard. The woman peeing seem to upset them the most.
Its almost quitting time so I'd better go. Don't want to be doing this in my free time. Hang in there.
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