Bancescue able to take his first steps
Pamela Cowan Leader-Post
Monday, December 03, 2007
CREDIT: Roy Antal
Leader-Post / Joel Bancescue (centre) stands up as Wascana Rehabilitation Centre attendant Pat Jones (left) and physical therapist Sheila Dickie help him take a few steps during his therapy.
Joel Bancescue always believed he'd walk again.
His faith was rewarded on Thanksgiving Day.
"I was at the park with my mom and my right leg kind of kicked and moved on its own and that was the kick start to my recovery," Bancescue said. "Thanksgiving truly was what it is."
The Regina man broke his neck at Regina Beach when he went for an early morning swim at a private beach on July 22. He couldn't move his body or feel any sensation when he was rushed to the Regina General Hospital. Later he learned that he had a fractured C4 and C5 vertebra and contused spine. After five days in ICU he had surgery that placed four screws with rods attached to them on either side of his neck.
He moved to the Wascana Rehabilitation Centre on Aug. 8 and as a result of intensive therapy and intestinal fortitude, the 26-year-old took a big step in his recovery with some small steps on Nov. 7.
"Now they have me using a walker with a couple of people making sure that my legs stay straight and move properly and there's a couple of people around for safety," Bancescue said.
While his left leg doesn't function as well as his right, he's proud of his progress, especially when willing his body to function is mentally and physically draining.
"I never realized how much brain power you need to move," he said.
"When I was first in the hospital after my injury, I really didn't have any arm movement, so to reach up to my face was really a mental process. I had to think about what muscles I needed to lift and what arm movement needed to occur to do that. Now, after a lot of repetition, it's become ingrained again."
Usually upbeat, the Regina man has had down days since the accident. He credits his strong support network of family, friends and staff for lifting his spirits. His girlfriend Jacqui Swedburg said Bancescue's attitude inspires those around him.
"Every single person that he's met has commented on how his positive attitude inspires them," she said.
When Bancescue took his first steps in the physio department, patients and staff wildly clapped and cheered.
"It was really inspiring -- everyone recognized what we'd just accomplished," Bancescue said. "Nobody knows what kind of progress you're going to make or where you're going to get."
He's thankful for several fundraisers that have raised more than $50,000 for him and allowed him to buy an old wheelchair accessible van. The balance is earmarked for specialized equipment and medical costs down the road.
On weekends Bancescue regularly stays at his mom's house and throughout the week he goes out with friends.
"We go out to movies, to concerts and we were out for Grey Cup," he said. "There's a lot of logistics to consider when you go out, but you learn to work around them."
He plans to spend part of the Christmas holidays at Regina Beach.
"The first time I went back after the accident was for my Grandma's 85th birthday," he said. "I haven't been back to where the accident happened, but the beach is a place that I love so I'll always go back."
As long as he continues to make progress, he plans to stay at the rehab centre.
"When I plateau, I guess that means I'll get discharged, but I'm hoping to use as much of the therapy here as I can," Bancescue said. "I've met a whole new community of people -- it's great.
"Obviously I wouldn't have wanted the accident to happen, but it's really strengthened relationships with my family and friends. You see a whole different side of people."
© The Leader-Post (Regina) 2007
Good work! Very proud of you.
Wow! Great job Joel, so nice to hear!
Hello Superstar!
Great to see that progress is still ongoing. Stay strong! I will try to come visit you soon (we are really behind with the french classes... you are so busy and so am I!); it is quite crazy at work these days with the CBC Christmas Card Auction coming...
Take care!
You are like a superstar!
It was so great to read the article and see the picture of you in action! Looks like quite the fancy device you are using! Well we had a great time with donna and kaley this weekend, I'm sure they've told you all about it. Wish we could have seen you too though! Well, we are just starting up exams this week, Josh starts friday, and I start next week, its hard to want to study, but this set of exams means we're both one step closer to graduating. Anyways just wanted to send a quick message, hopefully we can chat again sometime on the phone! Keep up the great work, I'm always sending positive thoughts your way. Take care, Love alana
FOOTLOOSE... look at you !!!
Right on Joelster !!!
Those baby steps Joel are just the beginning. Never ever give up your determination and will to get better. You owe it to yourself, and only to yourself, to do this. No one will ever know how tough it is except for you, but you have IT in you to keep going. It is okay to have the down moments too just like your article said, but always remember that you have been given this second chance, in whatever form it may take, and you have been given it for a reason. It will take shape sometime, maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow, but it will take shape. And no this is not a fortune cookie! Just wishes for you.
Well - you've accomplished a great goal this week... an article that spells 'Bancescue' the same way from start to finish. Never thought I would see the day.
Hey BD,
Nice placement in the paper my friend, keep fit and have fun.
here hippo hippo hippo........here hippo hippo hippo....
Glad I got to see you before I escape this frosty weather!
Keep smiling and I'll see you when I get back!
love ya!
Not sure if you caught the Hour last night, but that Adam DreamHealer kid was on it with some crazy but helpful things about healing a body with your mind. I think you should watch it online if you missed it and get his book. It is pretty amazing...
Here is the link and the Hour segment is also on the site.
We at the beach are all in awe of your progress. We are also wondering what our chances of stealing one of those walker contraptions would be. They look like they might just be the ticket for those late night walks home from the bar.
As for Damon I might remind him that I'm aware of that disgusting litlle habit of his and might be tempted to reveal it online if he were to continue with his verbal taunting of we Hippos. The chances of him getting a date with anyone after that would be pretty slim, don't ya think?
Hi Joel It has been awhile since I have been on the computer. Great to hear that you took your first step. Keep up the good work. Talked to your mom a couple of weeks ago. I wish you all the best It was great to read the article about you. Keep smiling and talk to you soon. lots of love sent your way
Hey amigo - it's sure nice to see the article and realize how far you've come - wow! We will be home in a couple of weeks (after we dig ourselves out of one of the bigger early season snowfalls in recent memory here) to exchange some Xmas joy and catch up in person. ][;'., ,mmmmmn bh jbhn b... this last bit was typed by Hannah who is clearly enamored with your powerful ways. Calvin's in bed but you know he feels the same way. See you soon and ya... Riders rule!
The Burbarts
Hi Joel,
I hope you know how special you are. You are making huge strides and especially since I saw you at Thanksgiving. Dont give up.
Hey Hippo Rep,
i dated a girl with the last name Gross.......i am pretty sure thats all you got ...and i doubt you even had that
It's been a while since I have checked the blog but it seems like things are going very very well! I am excited for you and hope you received the donation we made for you a while back at your benefit. I know it wasn't much but all we could manage at the time. Kudos to your support group. But really, being around you is not exactly a tough task. You are a shining example of a great guy. Keep on charming those nurses too. Maybe it will get you some special treatment?
thinking about you....
I think you need a new post!!!
Hope you are still doing good. It sounds like it. This stretch is where you need the extra pushes, and they are all there for you. Important to remember that. Give it your all Joel.
Sorry to hear the news...Hope you get right back in the game and kick some ass!!!!
Hey JOel;
That's fantastic! Keep it up.
Ryan Smith.
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