....today is one year. One year of re-learning, re-training and re-discovering myself. Today I am undecided as to how I feel about this particular day, but I do know how blessed I am to be surrounded by great people, family and friends. To all, I want to say the biggest thank you! My heart holds and shares a spot for everyone! It has been a tough day...and an even tougher year..
Great strides are being made in my recovery. I feel strong, motivated and determined. In one year I have gained back what some believed would not happen - how I will continue to prove to them otherwise. I have no doubt about my abilities to overcome this injury, the only variable is time....
Continue your great progression Joel. You are an inspiration to us all.
Congrats on being home and marking your one year. Your spirit and determination are the kind of legends....you never cease to amaze and you never pause in moving forward. You look great and it is nice to see that you are back at the beach!!!! Cheers. -ju
All I can say is your amazing.
It was great seeing you out at the beach a couple weekends ago. You looked great.
And I hope to see you out there some more this summer.
Wow! The picture of you, your brother and sister standing together certainly shows the great strides you've made in your recovery. Thanks for the inspiration you've given me this year Joel.
Hope Regina continues to go well,
Hey Joel...
I have commented on this website periodically over the year.. The progress we have seen and the determination that we seen over the last year makes you a role model to many people. Keep up the fight. To see you standing with your bro and sis is amazing. Good luck Joel
Sorry it has been a little while since I have been on here - you have been close at thought and constantly at heart. I am in Nelson but will be calling soon - thinking back a year ago i was here just after your accident - your year of progress has been inspirational and guiding for me, for all of us
i love you
i'm proud of you
Looking great. :0) Keep it up. Love you!
Hey Joel
I've been following your blog and I'm always inspired by your attitude. Keep up the hard work, you look fantastic.
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