I hope the holidays have been great for everyone. Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
I wanted to make a small addition to the last post that I did about broken wheelchair that I had. Here is a picture of the Savior!

The last few weeks have been very good at the gym and rehab has been going well. We are still seeing good gains throughout my whole body. all in So below is the latest video from my training. In this video we are doing kneelups and I have 20 pounds of weight hanging on my arms.
Well this is all fine and good but those of us who don't get to attend conferences or just hang with Sidney Crosby also get to go on the occasional sojourn. I recently returned from an intense fact finding mission in Bucerias. When I signed up I thought it was "Busts 'R Us" so you can imagine my surprise and dissapointment regarding the actual destination. Nonetheless I did manage to turn this setback into a few pluses for Hippo Beach. We decided that Mexico did have some characteristics that we could add to HB in order to spice up its already exciting life. First, we need a few of those sad looking big eyed vendors who sell everything from necklaces to tatoos along the beach. We decided that we will employ Tristan M. and Jordan S. to sell a varied selection of worhtless trinkets along the beach. (Speaking of Jordan S. did you notice that George S's hiway sign was up and working momentarily in Dec?) I digress. We also decided we need waiters or perhaps waitresses. We haven't come up with a list of names yet as we are waiting to see if our application for a topless beach is approved. This of course, could change everything. I myself have no misgivings about going topless, although some other members have expressed some concerns. Actually when I say we haven't come up with a list I mean we actually have two lists depending upon the outcome. The non-topless list (we call this the B list) is weighted towards people with hospitality experience. The topless list also has a prejudice to people with hospitality experience but with assets somewhat different from those on the other list. (We call this list the T and A list.)
Anyhow I should probably get back to doing what they pay me for - whatever that is. Later.
I almost forgot one more addition to the beach. In Mexico there was a guy with a guitar and a ventriloquist dummy who would stop and play La Bamba which the dummy sang. He couldn't play guitar all that well, what with working the dummy at the same time. Nevertheless we thought incorporating this act into the beach would be worthwhile. Damon was the obvious choice. Of course we, still have to find a ventriloquist who can play the guitar and teach Damon to mouth the words to La Bamba.
well as long as the ventriloquist is female and comes from th T and A list, because i don't let just anyone stick things in my @ss!
Pete....just for reference the @=a, so when you are supposed to be working they can't fire you for appropriate emails. If you require more of these mind blowing subsitutions, call me and I will sell you a desk with a bed hidden on the under side.
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