Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Finishing Stronger...

Round 2 @ PW finished up solid. I am adding another mash up of exercises, so hopefully everyone can notice some positive differences.

I am coming home feeling re-energized, more knowledgeable and ready to continue the battle.

Can't beat this great November weather either!

Hope everyone is well.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Walking for Fundraiser

I had a chance to participate in a fundraiser for Project Walk down here. It was a showcase of people who have some ability to walk. It was a great atmosphere and although a little nerve racking, as you can see I did not wipe out.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Round 2 begins!

Well, plans came together very last minute and at the time of this post I have been down in California for a whole week already. What a great feeling leaving the snow behind. I know I will be eating those words when I return mid November, but I will be enjoying the sun, the beach and flip flops, for at least another few weeks.

I have had 4 solid workouts back at PW and below is a short clip of a few familiar exercises.
I have already noticed differences from my last visit in that I have increased endurance to complete my workouts and I also have energy left for the rest of the day.

Fun Fact: Timing is everything
Leonardo DiCaprio spotted at Warner Bros.
Martha Stewart spotted at Costco.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Welcome to fall..

The summer finished up stronger then it started. Weather wise, definitely, but physically I bounced back pretty good. My energy is returning. My schedule remained the same, physio twice a week, intertwined with gym workouts three days a week. I am still progressing, but like a slug or turtle Made it out to the beach most weekends. I have started the process of getting my drivers license back. Many steps are to be taken, but I have been told 'that we will find a way to make it happen'. You won't see me on the road anytime soon though. Maybe in the golf cart around the beach.

I am planning my next trip to California! Hopefully all the details will fall into place. I will keep you posted.

Hope everyone is well.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Two Years and Fighting...

Today is a day to take note. Two years post and I am not sure exactly what to think. Big changes had and big changes to come. I have survived so far and will continue to do so.

I know its been awhile since I made a post and this is mostly because I have been fighting with my body to keep moving forward. I have had a couple not so progressive months and have taken this time to reevaluate, alter, and actively rest my journey. I am still progressing and my internal fight still exists, but my body has been asking for a short hiatus. We have temporarily lightened work outs and slowed the pace somewhat.

I really don't have much video or picture to add except for this birthday present that I got last year that I finally had the chance to use. Below is a video of me riding my new one speed cruiser with my industrial sized anti-tip over wheels. Its still in its virgin runs but it looks like it has good freedom potential.

I hope everyone is doing well and now that the weather is finally warm in our wonderful province you can catch me at the beach.

Thank you to all for your continued love and support!

p.s. I am a tank and the helmet is a necessity.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Latest!!

The next step, as shown below, is about finding the ability to walk with very little support. My physio does have a strong hold of me just above my hips on the white belt, but this is no walker, crutches or canes. It is a very unrealistic situation in the near future for me, but at this point it is maximum energy output but also maximum stimulation of all muscle groups, which means progress!

So I really feel like a waddling penguin here because I am dressed in black and have my hands nervously stashed in my pockets.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Thank you so much to everyone for making the evening at Earls another huge success! Dinner was great, the atmosphere was great, all thanks to Earls restaurant and staff. The auction was a big success and we can't wait to do it all again next year. A big thanks also goes out to everyone who helped out with donations to the silent auction. And thank you to everyone for coming out for the evening to support me. I had a fantastic time.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Earl's Fundraiser April 26

A 2nd Annual Earl’s Restaurant Benefit Fundraiser

The benefit for Joel’s “Road to Recovery” is taking place on Sunday, April 26, 2009 at Earls Restaurant, Albert Street & 28th Avenue. There will be two sittings: 5:00 & 7:30 PM

Plan on coming down for an evening of food and fun, with a Silent auction and a live DJ. "Remember the fun and follies of the first Earl's benefit"

Tickets are $60.00 each, which includes a 3 course meal and all the fun you can have!

To make a donation of goods or services or obtain further information, please contact:
Joel @ 531-3131· Shane @ 539-4194· Donna @ 530-6625

To purchase tickets please contact:
Earls Restaurant @ 584-7733
(Purchase Tickets & Seating Reservations Only)·

As an additional prize, everytime you visit Earls' on Albert Street South, between now and April 26, Earl's will be selling a chance to win a $2000.00 Travel Voucher!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Moving forward!!

I wanted to inform everyone of some recent accomplishments of mine. At Wascana, twice a month we have been challenging my body to endurance walking sessions. As shown a little while back in a post, we use the squeaky upright walker to achieve our goals. My latest distance and time is approximately 400 meters in 27 minutes. Its a hell of a workout!

I also wanted to let everyone know that I am beginning to organize some upcoming fundraisers!

Hope everyone is well!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Year-and-a half Benchmark!

So I just want to give her an update on how things have been going for me over the last few weeks. Today, the 22nd of January marks a year and a half since this new journey in my life began. I have much to take away from this. Surrounding yourself with family and friends makes any difficult situation much easier to handle and manage and having these people also keeps you on track and in line. I have also learned a lot about myself and how I cope when life throws a curveball. I have definitely had my ups and downs but the progression is still uphill - this battle never ends! Physically I'm doing everything I can to stay strong and ready for each up-and-coming workout, but the mental side of all this is so much tougher to deal with. I struggle day in and day out to find the energy to stay determined, motivated and sane. So far so good though, as the results I am seeing from physio and gym workouts is fantastic!

So I wanted to say a hello and thank you to everyone out there for their continued support and I hope to see everyone at some point.

The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination.