Corner Gas Goes Live (Again…) - This time for JOEL!
Dog River is returning to the Globe Theatre for one starry night!
On Wednesday, August 22nd at 8:00 PM Corner Gas Live returns to the Globe Theatre in support of Joel Bancescue’s road to recovery.
Please help Corner Gas help Joel on his road to recovery.
Tickets for the events are on sale online at www.globetheatrelive.com
Doors open at 7:00 PM for a stand-up cocktail reception featuring a welcome cocktail and complimentary appetizers courtesy of SoHo Restaurant & Club and Crave Kitchen & Wine Bar and IATSE 295. A cash bar is also available.
Tickets can be purchased online at www.globetheatrelive.com
Please note – there is also an option to add an additional donation online when purchasing tickets.
If you have any questions, please call Richelle Bourgoin at 306.530.4012 or email rbourgoin@sasktel.net.
Please note that 100 per cent of the ticket sales and bar proceeds will go to Joel.
Hi Joel,
Very clever disguise...the black mustache will look great with your black tights. I think that your very shapely legs will give you away though. I'm so glad that you've made the move to the park.You've achieved so much in just 2 weeks. We'll come for a visit after you've had a chance to get settled.
Love you,
Shannon, Blair and Sean
i love the mustaches my friend! i am so happy for your move today, i know you must be excited. i will also wait until you are settled, so see you soon or i will post!
love court
Hey Joel, i just got back from vacation and i've been thinking about you ever since i heard about the accident. I'm incredibly sorry that this happened to you but you're so positve i just know you're going to be fine! I'm so happy to hear that you've moved from the hospital to rehab!
My sister's best friend broke her neck in a car accident, it was c4 or c5 i don't know. she was thrown out of the sunroof and landed 80 feet from the car. After surgeries and much therapy she regained the use of all her apendages. it's as though it never happened.
I'm so impressed with this blog and how you are doing! thinking of you and wishing you all the best...
Sara Longfellow
let me know when you're ready for more visitors, and let us all know what you need.. books, food whatever...
Hi Joel and family! I'm happy to hear you're recovering and keeping a positive attitude - you and your family have always been very warm and upbeat people, you're lucky to have each other. I was very worried when I received the news on the other side of the world.
Sorry I can't make it to the fundraiser at the Globe, I'd be there with bells on if I was anywhere close to Regina :0) I'll be sure to forward it on to everyone at home though.
Much love from Down Under,
Aymie :0)
Yo...I got my ticket for the Globe...will you sit by me?
What an amazing fundraiser!! We got our tickets last night. We're looking forward to seeing you there.
John & Darcel Leonard
I got my ticket too...richelle you will have to fight me to sit by him! And we BOTH know I would win... :)
Hey Joel,
Havn't checked the site for awhile but I wasn't surprised one bit to hear you are still improving every day! I made sure to have a few cold beer and some good days on the boat at the lake for you this weekend. You are a celebrity everywhere because some people heard about your accident at Emma!
Enjoy your move!
Take Care,
Hey Joel,
Great seeing you this past weekend. Hope ya got a chance to sneek in a couple of those Mini Donuts. You looked really strong and like you are well on your way to a full recovery. There is a group of us going to be there at your fundraiser. Garns and I are super stoked as it gives us a "reason" to drink lots of beer. Hope you get your continued "hot tubs" in Wascana. On another note......Garns and I are still dumbfounded on how the Rabbit made it in one piece to Fernie.
Later Dude Bro,
Okay - apparently you are some kind of media darling! I've been on the phone all morning gathering quotes for you...Gabe just did an interview with CBC and I'm going to see if I can find Brent to do another with the LP.
See you tonight tough guy.
Road trip time! I can't believe my luck - Corner Gas and NWIRA in Regina on the same weekend! So excited!
Best corner gas line ever
'What do you mean there's nothing to see? There's nothing to block the view!'
Hey you....
I heard you said it was because of me that this Corner Gas fundraiser was happening? I just want everyone to know that it is because of YOU! Because you have impacted a lot of lives, and because you are a wonderful person with so many wonderful days ahead of him. Now don't get TOO big of a head. Mine already takes up enough space! I will see you later this aft...and I promise I won't eat all of those chocolate almonds.
--You know who I am....
Hello Joel, Donna, Shane, Kayley and Josh:
We're all thinking of you and cheering for you, Joel, as you continue to make such remarkable progress. May the force be with you!! We'll see you at the Globe on the 22nd. With love from all of us to all of you,
Ruth, Emmaline, Tom and Lucy
Hey you - I am so sorry, but I don't think I'm going to make it tonight. By the time I get out of here it's going to be too late. So sleep tight my friend.
hey you. you and jen are now celebrities. your story will be in the paper tomorrow, but it is online already! we also added a link to this blog! so go to www.leaderpost.com or directly to http://www.canada.com/reginaleaderpost/story.html?id=6d3143d5-2a4e-4dca-81bb-b61cfbe2181b&k=91792
hope you had a good day joel.
love court
shoot, the link is too long i think. i will send it to jacqui or kaley to post if you want.
hey you,
love the moustachios. i'm so glad to hear that you're on your way to recovery and that you have so much support. you are one of the most vibrant energetic people that i know. i'm going to talk to richelle to see if she needs any help for the fund-raiser. this is sooo awesome.
love ya. xoxoxox
Hey Joel... I read your article on line tonight, it was awesome.. Your famous. haha. Its great that you have a friend that is going through the samething you are! I know as much as people are here to support you it is always great to have someone there going through the samething. I look up to both of you! jen is actually a friend of a friend of mine so I have been watching her progress through facebook. and by watching I mean reading. Anyways, have a good night.
Carrie J
Hello Joel and Donna and family, Sooo sorry to hear of your accident Joel. Seems like you are keeping up a great positive spirit which will be great for your healing. All the best to you. Cheers
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