Jacqui and Richelle had the pleasure of meeting George Stroumboulopoulos of The Hour at "Top Secret" shoot. He noticed the We Heart Joel bracelets and wanted to wear one! Thank you George! Joel says: "Big shout out to ya George...love the show!"
I changed it already sonofa! hahaha! I can't spehl.
Awe Jax...I'm just showing off! You can sphell with the best of 'em.
so cool!
That is great! I want a We Heart Joel bracelet too where do we get them?
i want one of those hot bracelets! it's way hotter than the kaballah one i wear....WE HEART JOEL is where it's at YO!
KK do you think Gap will start a new line of t-shirts - you've got some pull see what you can do
Was the secret shoot for Little Mosque on the Prairie? If so, its not as much of secret as people think it is. Who's the woman sitting on his lap, or so it looks? You could have had a scoop if that was his galpal. Better luck next time.
Actually no it was not for little mosque on the prairie. And that "girl" shall remain nameless though we do know who she is....Matt I know you wrote that you sonofa!
Let's be honest...by "secret shoot' she means bar!
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