Check out the real BEFORE pics. We will post the AFTER ones very soon! Sorry to disappoint but the green room is no longer green and the pink is gone too. I also got rid of the flowers on the cupboards. Actually, pretty much got rid of the whole kitchen! Can't wait to post updated photos soon. The work has been amazing!

Danny and the boys, and some girls too, also built a deck on the front and are using a previous one from Corner Gas on the back, and fixed up the entire basement. Again, much thanks!
We also ripped up all the old carpets and took off all the old wallpaper.
i like that green, haha.
I like the pink Joel...The new black buddy...haha
Hey Joel
Can't wait to see the updated pics of the house!! It sounds like everyone is working real hard, im sure it will be looking great. Hope you guys are getting excited for calgary, cause II am totally counting down..... theres so much stuff to do before then, but its gonna be worth it. See ya real soon, alana
Hey BD,
Please don't tell me you painted that green room.....i like it. looks minty.
Are you sure these aren't pictures of Gene's cottage? I'm sure he would be interested in acquiring those curtains.
We all had a great time at Steak Night although we suspect we got some bad meat as we all felt a little under the weather on Saturday morning. Plus I think someone stole all my money while I was there.
We were a little confused in someone's earlier comment where they used the phrase general population and Calgary as though they were one in the same. At Hippo Beach we consider Calgary to be like some sort of penal colony full of deviates , miscreants and misfits. We are always surprised to see them here visiting and not wearing some sort of orange jump suit and ankle braclet. Thats just the consensus on the beach where political correctness reigns supreme.
Anyhow it is great to see you out and about. Hope you get back our way real soon.
Thinkin about you........
that green room was fab.....too bad.
can't wait to see the after pics. you're lucky to have such generous, hard-working friends!
its nice to see that everything is working out so well! keep working hard and fighting the battle so we can see you in buffalo this season!
jay in buffalo
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