Come to a great steak night at the beach! On Friday, September 21, at Baldy's Beach Bar in Regina Beach. Things kick off at 6 pm and go until 10 pm, but if you feel like stickin around for a bit of RB nightlife, please do so! What will you get besides a sweet time? How about steak, baked potato, garlic coleslaw and a "beverage." Tickets are $25 and are available at Donovel's Service Station, Home Hardware, or by calling Deb at 591-0280. You can only get in with advance tickets, so make sure you get 'em early. There are also auction items, Hippo Wear, 50/50 tickets and more! Joel will be there and hopes to see you guys soon!
hey i will be there!
That sounds amazing! You are going to have such a wicked time. I wish that I could be there. I am thinking of you always and cannot wait to chat. Drove by Cowboys today...thought of you...hahahaha. All my thoughts,love, and all else-Ju
Hey Joel,
Sounds like you have been keeping pretty busy! I havn't been around too much but I do hope to drop by for a quick visit next week sometime. Have fun at the races this weekend!
Take Care,
hope you enjoyed your weekend!
I'll call you tomorrow before I leave!
sleep well.
love ya.
some people.
on to other things. sorry i haven't been around lately. i saw jacqui at the game today and was going to come see you tonight, but had to write the column. no shane, joel isn't in it, i can't make fun of him!
anyway, i have to work from home tomorrow (Monday), but will give you a call and maybe stop in in the afternoon if you aren't busy.
love court
oh, wasn't the rider game fantastic! i screamed my face off! i hope i can still come watch this weekend's game with you.
I am trying to come but don't know if i can make it...though i am going to try!
I am still in Toldeo. I won the doubles but lost in the semis in singles:(
We had great weather all week, 85-90 and no clouds. It was perfect. They went through 30 kegs of beer so lots of fluids were drank....carb load not re-hydrating :)
I get home late tonight. So i will see you soon.
Hey BD,
Great to hang out yesterday, I think I will need to bring some food next time. I think we need to get some decals for the van, what do you think? I was glad you were finally sporting a u of R tee. See ya soon shooter.
J! Call me when you can! I need help with something...
Hey Joel,
It's been a few weeks since I last left you a comment and I simply wanted to let you know you're on my mind everyday. In my mind's eye I see you standing up out of your chair and victoriously raising your arms as you walk away from it; it’s an awesome site and I can’t wait for you to bring it to life. Get my number from Johnny and make sure you call me after it happens.
Rob Fri
hey its mayday, so sorry but i am trapped somewhere over here workin at that time, i want to be there, frig
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