Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Peddling Around!

Just another day on the peddle bike. He makes about 4-6 trips around Wascana and even goes up and down some ramps. This is a very hard work out as his legs are not of even strenght.


Anonymous said...

Thats awesome on the bike! I can't believe how fast you are on that thing! You could definitely take josh on that thing. Anyways I hope all is well, we've been having too much rain in victoria! Anyways you should keep posting the videos, they are great to watch. take care, keep it up, alana

Anonymous said...

Joel, this is Kyle Hamilton's girlfriend...I haven't met you before but we've been following your blog ever since your accident. I must say CONGRATS man! These last two posts are absolutely amazing! Kyle said since the beginning, if anyone can get through this, Joel can! We're so proud of the work you have done thus far! Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

When you gonna pimp that ride? Some nice chromed up double-deuces will have all the ladies wanting a lift!

You are the steeziest dude I know, Keep on Rocking Joel

Anonymous said...

Hi Joel,
It was nice to see you at Kerry's birthday! What a great bike....that's so better than a wheelchair, and a great workout for your legs. Keep pedaling!
Kathy H.

Anonymous said...

Thats a fancy ride buddy. You look like you own the place rockin around there. Make sure you dont run over anybody. Keep it up pal.


Anonymous said...

Love the ride Joel... Keep up the hard work!


Unknown said...

Hey BD,

Firebikes......thats all i gotta say, you low riding mofo.

Andrea said...

Has anyone noticed Joel rides that thing like he drives a car? I'm referring here to the one hand steering and the other dangling out the window a la chachmobile.

Love the videos.

Anonymous said...

That's fantastic.

Keep it up!

Ryan Smith

Anonymous said...

pretty sweet my friend. tried to get in touch the last few days. see you soon :)

love court

Anonymous said...

Nice bike!
The progress you've been making never ceases to amaze me -- I know you're working hard and it's clearly paying off. Keep it up!

I'll come visit this week, I promise.

love j

Anonymous said...

You're the man! Way to rock the bike!! Tommy and I are so happy for you! We knew you could do it! Keep on truckin!!

Blair and Tommy

Anonymous said...

Lookin' good on your new ride! Remember in Charlevoix when you, Curt and Marc got tickets for riding your bikes downtown! Looks like you are doing really well and making good progress. We're proud of you, and miss you lots!
Mimi and Kelly

Kathleen said...

Hey Joel...we miss seeing you in therapy and next door! We know you're still inspiring everyone with your great attitude--thanks for your example to us too.

Please say hi to your mom and everyone, especially Jen--I missed saying good-bye to her. Tell them we're fine. I've given Rick a new therapy assignment--cooking and cleaning while I pack boxes. We're moving after all.
