Monday, October 19, 2009

Round 2 begins!

Well, plans came together very last minute and at the time of this post I have been down in California for a whole week already. What a great feeling leaving the snow behind. I know I will be eating those words when I return mid November, but I will be enjoying the sun, the beach and flip flops, for at least another few weeks.

I have had 4 solid workouts back at PW and below is a short clip of a few familiar exercises.
I have already noticed differences from my last visit in that I have increased endurance to complete my workouts and I also have energy left for the rest of the day.

Fun Fact: Timing is everything
Leonardo DiCaprio spotted at Warner Bros.
Martha Stewart spotted at Costco.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Welcome to fall..

The summer finished up stronger then it started. Weather wise, definitely, but physically I bounced back pretty good. My energy is returning. My schedule remained the same, physio twice a week, intertwined with gym workouts three days a week. I am still progressing, but like a slug or turtle Made it out to the beach most weekends. I have started the process of getting my drivers license back. Many steps are to be taken, but I have been told 'that we will find a way to make it happen'. You won't see me on the road anytime soon though. Maybe in the golf cart around the beach.

I am planning my next trip to California! Hopefully all the details will fall into place. I will keep you posted.

Hope everyone is well.