Group shot of everyone plus George Strombolopoulous at Hotel Sask lobby. Again, a great night! As for an update, Joel is continuing to make excellent progress and is now experimenting with some reflexology and more massages. His determination and spirit is stronger than ever and he is going to do his own post very soon!
looks like a motley crue
Thanks for the invite to the "After-After party". It was a blast!
Sometimes i pretend your blog is facebook and just write personal messages on it. Sorry. BUT, do you want to go see that Beatles Muscial movie on Friday? Does anyone else on here want to come? I think the late movie would be best? Just let me know.
PS. You are doing great! Every day is like a new little surprise.
I have to stop sending drunk facebook messages. Last night was an interesting night. I'll try to come up tonight and tell ya all about it.
Right now I am sitting in a class on conflict resolution and trying to listen but either its my ADD, the hang over or the fact that this guy sucks, but i have not heard a word he has said for the past hour. Is saying shut the F up and sit down not appropriate ?
Joel! I can't believe you got to hang out with George and all the other Canadian celebs at the Geminis! I'm so jealous! Anyways hope all is going well, and that your halloween was fun. Keep up the great progress I keep hearing all about! love alana
Yo. What doing this weekend? Given that we can't hang out with celebrities (other than Damon, of course) perhaps we should figure out something else fun to do? Or just randomly hang out in the Hotel SK dressed in suits...seemed to work out just fine last weekend!
PS - Jacqui is obsessed with me. Just sayin.
Hey BD,
When I saw this pic on here I laughed. What a random gong show last weekend was, so random. Free booze parties, where Captain Rye and Coke, didn't drink? Half a halloween party @ O’hanlan’s, cruising in the Mystery Machine all over town, tossing on suits like we owned the Gemini's, seeing the Stanley cup, your girlfriend embarrassing me 90 times, telling Gabe she was "pretty minty", meeting that smoken hot broad we hung out with on sunday night, jan on her knees a mens bathroom stall, LUBA, LUBA, LUBA, JP and the scotch.....i love that guy, and the guy that randomly put it behind the bar, putting 7 people in the mystery machine, minty seats @ the Gem's, although I hear i looked like i was security for you....interesting, getting attacked by a lion, Ok so that was in no order, but really......thats not possible.
Keep it real Stud, hopefully you get some rest this weekend.... when are we having pictionary night in the whiteboard room?
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