Who would have thought a hang of Hippos would have the weekend energy to paint an entire house not once but twice! Now don't get me wrong, I can't use the word lazy, BUT slow movement with grace might be a better way to describe the hang that showed up. On another note, I would like to really thank ALL of you for attending the painting party. The house looks AWESOME! I even got to check out the upstairs: thanks for the lift! PS pictures of the newly remodelled house to follow in the next few days. Other big things that happened this weekend, I got to see and hold the Stanley Cup, and I discovered today, that people who drive VW vans, have secret waves to each other. Signing off on this Sunday night, and I will talk to you soon....
I wish I was a hippopotamisses! hahaha
I'm so excited to see you and all family soon!
Jacqui's friend again here. I admire your courage and strength and think you seem like a great person. It must be hard for you, but you always seem to have a smile on your face. I think you are very inspiring and from what I hear, a lot of fun. Keep it up!
Once again Joel it falls upon me to set the record straight. I know when you dropped by this weekend that it looked as if everyone was pitching in with thge painting. You and I know better.
From the moment we first arrived Shane went from room to room speaking some gutteral gibberish complete with equally cryptic hand gestures. We later surmised he'd heard that all good tradesmen come from the old country and had reverted to some ancient Romainian dialect.
Vern and Brian worked feverishly until their first smoke break (at about 9:10 AM). From that point on they stayed outside talking to Greg who'd taken it upon himself to paint the outside widowpanes. It appears he wanted to turn this into a career as he spent all weekend at this. Anymore windows and you would have had to provide him with a bedroom.
Later on I went upstairs to check on the second story progress. I found Kenny, who explained he was "hiding webcams" in the bedrooms. I took this to be Romainia also and let him be. I was going to check on Donna (not your mom, the other Donna) and George in the other bedroom. From the hallway I overheard them discussing the merits of "short vs long strokes." I excercised considerable disgression and let them continue this tryst uninterrupted.
Larry found an attentive audience in dirty paint brushes and rollers and conversed with them at great length about his ancestory and the proper way to construct a still. Having endured many of Larry's discourses before we thought it best to leave him be.
Deb showed up at about 4:00 PM and said something about kindling in her bra. I didn't know where to look or what to say. I do know that that this problem with her wardrobe didn't seem to hamper her drinking as she put away the lion's share of the beer.
As you can see, and probably have already predicted, Lee and myself actually got most of the work done ourselves. We look forward to the time when you can once again pitch in and help but enjoyed helping out nonetheless.
You may have noticed that neither the Swift Current nor the Calgary Hippo chapters showed up to help.
Hey Joel,
It's Sasha, I hear that you making amazing progess!!! Good for you, all your hard work will pay off in the end!!
Jessica told me that you would be interested in speaking to my class! That would be great! I am open to any morning that would work for you! I teach from 9 to 11:45. My students and I listened to your CBC interview and they ask me a couple times a week to check your blog. THey are so interested in you and your life story. You are a "super hero" in several comic strips we made about saftey!!!
We also listened to Jen's interview, you both are more than welcome if you would like to "team" teach them!!
Thanks Sasha
It was great to see you this afternoon,I think you are absolutely amazing.You bring a smile to my face,keep it up!!
The spokesman is right about one thing for sure,there is DEFINITELY something in Deb's bra
Hey Joel, I popped by to see you yesterday afternoon, but I missed you. I had to make sure that you weren't hearing too many embarrassing stories about me. I'll stop by again.
Hey BD,
BOOM! for one. Pretty pumped for the next "on a platter" session.......ya, i said it. Hope you didn't get in to trouble for the gibberish on the white board....yikes.
Pictionary tourney when you get back from CowTown. You need to organize with Jen's entourage, decide on wagers (yes nothing is fun unless something is on the line), and how many rounds. Next Friday? Get 'er done.
To the Hippo Beach rep, your post sounds like a who's who of HippoVille, but through all the jibber jabber, it is pretty evident that you were the one wearing the white hard hat.
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