Jen's friend Tricia, Joel and Kaley out for dinner on Jen's Bday. Other photo Jacqui and Joel. Jen just turned 26 and is doing awesome. Photos are once again stolen from the site Prayers and Love for Jennifer Gabrysh on facebook. Guess we should invest in a camera!
Hey Joel.
Haven't left a message in a while, but I'm still following your progress and am really really impressed and happy for you about everything you are accomplishing. I spoke with my Aunty Kathy who told me that she saw you and that you are doing so well!! She also told me that your house is just a few doors down from the house I am about to move into.... so looks like we are neighbours! haha
Hope to see you sometime soon.
-Erin Hubich
You look HOT! And you have two hot ladies with you. I know one is your sister, but damn!
you all look fabulous! i guess you do too joel. haha. movie night was fun, can't wait for the next installment. i will be around prob wednesday. feel free to give away that movie ticket for two. see you soon (p.s. i am proud of you!)
love court
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