Friday, July 11, 2008

some follow up.....

I wanted to add some last video from down south. These are both from my last day and a benchmark for me to come home with.

I have taken some down time to relax for a couple days, but start back with physio this Monday. I will be filling in spaces with a personal trainer and we are back in Saskatchewan speed. What a great feeling!!

I hope everyone is great and enjoying the sun!

Perseverance is key....


Anonymous said...

Just watched your latest videos, Joel. Amazing!
Hope the rest of the summer goes well for you.
Take care. See you soon!
Cal & Nancy

Anonymous said...

Right on!
Kathy H.

Anonymous said...

So glad to see that California was a success. I look forward to seeing you in Regina. Keep up the great work. You are a true inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel!
KK and I are thinking of you and looking forward to seeing you soon. I'll call you this week.
Love you.

Anonymous said...

joel, your strength and determination are exceptional! You have shown the utmost in integrity. Now is your chance to move forward. Draw on what you have and embrace a future that awaits you. If you hold on to what used to be or what might be, you will not allow yourself the opportunities that lay ahead. You risk paralyzing the people who care the most abut you. Let them go. It is not the ability to walk that makes the man. YOU know this. Take your biggest risk of all. Step out of your comfort space, hire help, move out, get a vehicle the "works" for you, live life again in a forward motion. Take your strengths and make the changes you need to. You are strong physically and need to allow yourself the same emotionally. Take care. Continue your journey knowing you are not alone! Your fan club is huge!

Anonymous said...

Hey, welcome back. Stay focused and hold on tight to what you want. John3

Anonymous said...

Looking great!! Keep it up and keep us posted! Love you!

Anonymous said...

You are amazing Joel! Look forward to seeing you now that you are back.


Anonymous said...

Well its been one year today....

I will never forget the phone call as long as I live or the events of that day.

It certainly has changed all of our lives but it has somehow made us stronger or at least able to reflect upon the important things in life.

We can't say thank you enough to family, friends and supporters who have helped make our lives easier. We are grateful everyday for all the people that have touched our lives in so many ways this past year.

Joel has made us all so proud with his determination, effort and attitude and continues to amaze us everyday. Stay strong son and hold on to your dreams!!

Love you tons. XOXOXO Mom (aka Donna)

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel,

Its Adrian. I just found this website. Been out of the country for the last 7 months trying to make a tv show. Your progress is unbelievable. The videos on this site make everything we've been doing look so insignificant. When i watch them i have pure joy in my heart. From the start of this part of your life we all said that if anyone could overcome this it would be you. I hope to be working again with you soon. I'm certain we will.


Anonymous said...

July 22, a day I will always remember, a day when things as I knew then made a sudden change in a different direction.

Many things came out of the new direction. Many Good things that I found out about myself, my family, my friends, about all the people who came forth with their love, support and generosity.

I have seen you take many steps since that day, I have witness you grow and get stronger and watch you use your determination, drive and strength to travel down your Road to Recovery. You have a huge network of supporters behind, helping and wishing you all the best.
Keep your eye on the goal.
Love You

Anonymous said...

I am so happy to see you steps can lead to great things...
hope you are having a great summer. keep working and don't give up. I have faith in you!!
