Sunday, September 14, 2008

part of my routine...

last week, this week and in the coming weeks will be a portrayal of my regular routine at the gym. here are some more clips....

standing balance...


Anonymous said...

you are nothing short of amazing!

Anonymous said...

Kathy H.

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel

Great to see you on the computer the other night - although it was painful to see Nancy's baking without actually being able to eat it. Keep up the great workouts -- truly incredible!

All our power to ya -
Carl, Kathy, Calvin, Hannah & Duggy

Anonymous said...

You are totally impressive Joel! Keep up the hard work and it will pay off!
Julie Stone

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel. It feels like forever since I have seen you and your family. It looks like you have made amazing progress I just finished my degree and we are settled back into life in swift. We are headed to Disneyland next week.I will be in and put of Regina a lot over the next few weeks and I would love to get together with you and your family and hear about your amazing journey through project walk and back if you guys had time. I am in the city Tuesday and Wednesday next week. Carrianne

Anonymous said...

Have a great week Nephew. Thinking of you. 3

Anonymous said...

Hey -- are you on an airex pad (balance pad)?? that is awesome.. good job -- you will be one footing it next I am sure.
