Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Two Years and Fighting...

Today is a day to take note. Two years post and I am not sure exactly what to think. Big changes had and big changes to come. I have survived so far and will continue to do so.

I know its been awhile since I made a post and this is mostly because I have been fighting with my body to keep moving forward. I have had a couple not so progressive months and have taken this time to reevaluate, alter, and actively rest my journey. I am still progressing and my internal fight still exists, but my body has been asking for a short hiatus. We have temporarily lightened work outs and slowed the pace somewhat.

I really don't have much video or picture to add except for this birthday present that I got last year that I finally had the chance to use. Below is a video of me riding my new one speed cruiser with my industrial sized anti-tip over wheels. Its still in its virgin runs but it looks like it has good freedom potential.

I hope everyone is doing well and now that the weather is finally warm in our wonderful province you can catch me at the beach.

Thank you to all for your continued love and support!

p.s. I am a tank and the helmet is a necessity.


Anonymous said...

Like all of your other videos, this one captures your will in motion - upright and always moving forward. Uncle John

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel,

Just wanted to leave you a note so you know we're still following your progress and wishing you the best! Every body needs a rest once in a while - if you schedule that in, you can look for better/easier performance when you get back at it!

PS - that bike looks very much like freedom...great bday present choice!!

Laura Hickman

Anonymous said...

Hi Joel

Great job on the bike! Thanks for posting the video. A rest sounds like a good plan:) Thanks for keeping this site up, we check on you often.

Cindy & Kerry

Unknown said...

Had a good time at the beach the other weekend. Stop by more often when your around. Just wanted to let you know we still got your back and follow your progress as its posted. We'll see you soon.


Taryn said...

Keep pushin forward! So proud of you. :0) Call you once my new phone comes in...I've been without one for quite awhile now, but you're the first person on my list to call. Miss and love you!