Tuesday, December 18, 2007

CBC Radio Morning Edition

Hey everyone! Joel and Jen were on the Morning Edition this morning. If you missed it, you can still check it out at http://www.cbc.ca/morningedition/topstory.html. It was a great interview! There are some more events in the works in terms of a fundraiser, so please keep checking for more details. Also, there is a great place that Jen is thinking about going to after rehabl called Project Walk, and now Joel is looking into it. If you want to read more details check out the website at http://www.projectwalk.org/.



Anonymous said...

What?! And you didn't cross the hall?
I'll try to come by tomorrow afternoon, before I head out East for the holidays.

Anonymous said...

Impressive! Hope to see you before the new year!

Jennifer Brandino-Chabot said...

Hi Joel!
I came up to see you this morning but you weren't in.
I'm sure you've already noticed it by now but i left you a gift. I wanted to tell you that the card is also redeemable at Montana's, Kelsey's and a couple of other places. It's all listed on the back of the card i believe.
I don't know what your plans are for the holidays or were you will be but i wish you the best Christmas with family and friends.
I hope to see you soon.

Merry HoHo!
Love Jenn

p.s. congrats on the radio interview, it was fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Do Hippos surface for Christmas??? Here Hippo-Hippo, here Hippo-hippo -- where have you gone????

Anonymous said...

merry christmas and happy new year GUY

Anonymous said...

Glad you're doing well, Joel. Have a merry Christmas!

Ryan Smith.

Anonymous said...

Had a dream last night that you were walkin around a Rider Game. I really do believe you will get there Joel. One step at a time....Miss you.

Anonymous said...

I thought Paris warned you earlier about all this press coverage you were getting. If I didn't have to remain here and give my sister some counselling on parenting I'd come up there and kick your butt. We're sending Lindsey instead. Once she sobers up pal - your ass is grass. Should be a couple of months so get your papers in order.

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel,
Its Sasha. I had my class listen to your interview on CBC. They all would like to help Jen and you fundraise. They said they are all going to save some money and shovel sidewalks over the X-mas break. After the break they have great ideas on how they can raise money!
I guess I should have your permission to write a letter to parents with your and Jen's name in it! I believe that every little bit of money can help the two of you! (You could use it for whatever you need including a night out with friends!!!!!)

Merry Christmas!!

Sasha and the student at Hunt!