Thursday, December 20, 2007

Happy Holidays

So with the week winding down and holidays beginning, I will be heading home to Mom's house until Christmas eve. Then out to Regina Beach with the old man. No plans for New Years yet, but I do hope to get out snowmobiling. I hope everyone has a safe and a wonderful holiday season! I look forward to seeing all who have a chance to get by the house, or if not give me a shout on my phone. Bye for now. Also, please check out the interview on CBC TV that Jen and I did last night. It is at (then click on news at six. It's at about the 15 minute mark).


Anonymous said...

Thanks for hanging out tonight and letting me babble on about my bad day and all my "issues". You are the best and I luv ya. Still think we shud have cracked open Damon's bottle. haha. See you over Christmas.

Unknown said...

Hey BD,

I have got to say that you have made this year pretty intense for a lot of people. You have shocked people, you have blown peoples minds, and you have brought people together. Deb has been awarded an honouree position with the rescue rangers, Shano has learned that flipping a house is not as easy as on TV, the hippo's have learned how to drink beer AND use their opposable thumbs to complete complex tasks, Kaley learned..........the jury is still out, Donna has learned it was a good thing she retired so she could start her new carrier, Jan has realized the opportunity for a variety of on-site health technician services. I think you have showed people a lot, and introduced people to a world of appreciation they never would have known. You inspire everyone you meet and continually blow peoples brains up. The “strides” you have made since July are beyond reality, keep it up studly Have a great holiday and enjoy every minute of it.

Ps. I have learned two things alcohol to fluid ratio, and when I am told that those are not handles…….they are not handles!

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel
Hope all is well, and you're getting ready to spend some quality time at home. I have one more exam to finish tonight, and then I get to finally go home too! I wish we could be there to spend Christmas you! Anyways,I just wanted to say that I watched the ctv news article and it was great. The first thing I noticed was you were wearing the shirt kaley got you in victoria! Anyways we will definitely be talking to you guys before christmas, but have a merry christmas! Enjoy this time to relax, you've worked hard and deserve it! take care and see you in the new year love alana

Anonymous said...

Just got back in the country and had to check up on what's going on with you!
I'll call you and stop in for a visit when I get back to Regina this weekend!
love ya~!


Anonymous said...

A very Merry Christmas to you and your family Joel!



B said...

Merry Christmas Joel! We just listened to your interview- you are such an awesome inspiration! Obviously we are too far away to make it in for fundraisers and things like that, but when you have your plan settled for future rehab programs we definitely would like to make a donation so please keep your blog updated with how we can help! Take care!
Blair and Tommy

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to wish you and your family a Very Merry Christmas. Here's to a great year ahead. Enjoy the holidays!
Take care,
Allison Rogers(Jones)

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel,
We hope to run ino you somewhere around the beach this week. I understand the Calgary contingent is about so we might just move the boat lifts around on the beach to show John that the world is unfolding as it should.

There have been several attempts to call upon we hippos to come out of our lair and post comments. There are two things that should be noted here. First, all those who know us understand that we are not the type to speak when we have nothing to say and secondly, one cannot call out Hippos with any great success. We can, however, be baited out into the open. Some types of bait which meet with relative degrees of success are beer, Scotch, chicken wings and naked women. Feel free to try these or experiment with other similiar enticements.

Merry Christmas

Anonymous said...

We are thinking of you this Christmas and wishing you a very Merry Christmas and resounding success on your journey in the New Year!

Leslie and Carolyn

Anonymous said...

We're really going to miss you this Christmas, we'll be thinking about you all! Love Court & Z

sarahlee said...

Sending warmest wishes to you over the holidays. I am so happy to hear about your progress. Keep it up!!

Anonymous said...

I think you are pretty fabulous...

Anonymous said...

thinking of you....have a great new years! Miss you!