Monday, May 12, 2008

A Tough Monday at PW

We spent a good weekend staying out of trouble. Some more family flew in on Saturday and as a group of seven we did Disneyland all day Sunday. What a place that is! (pictures to follow soon this week).

So we finally were able to get some video up on the blog again from today at PW. We had a real good day, felt real strong, spent the last two hours of my session up on my feet and here is a couple of videos from my morning. The first one is me standing at the hand bike and the second video is the best walking we have done so far.

Hope everyone is doing well. Its great hearing from people still.


Anonymous said...

Looking good! It really looks like you are making some awesome progress. I'm glad that PW is working out for you! I wish I could be there with you guys right now seeing you work out in real time, instead of taking courses at school,but for now I just gotta use the blog. Keep up the hard work, you may not notice the progress as much on a daily basis, but I can really see a huge difference over the last few months, amazing!
love alana

Anonymous said...

WOW!! When I see you at the hand bike if I did not know you I would not have realized how much effort it takes for you to stand and peddle with your arms, you continue to amaze me with your progress!! WAY TO GO!!! Jacksyn says hi and is wanting to see your pictures from Disneyland!!

I am so glad to hear that you are fitting fun in among all the hard work!!

Carrianne and Jacksyn

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel... its Carrie (Brenda's daughter) I have been following your progess lots.. Have Fun at PW work hard.. as I know you are. Good luck..

Anonymous said...

Keep it up! Your progress is truly amazing. Love the videos, keep them coming!
Stay strong!

Anonymous said...

Hi Joel. It looks like you are making great progress. Please know that we are cheering for you here in Regina. Those videos are so inspiring since you are obviously working so much harder than any athlete that we know. We look forward to your reports! Enjoy California too.

Anonymous said...

the Hippo Beach representative

Hey Joel. Seems to me this Project Walk thing is getting in the way of all your diversions (Disneyland, Seaworld, Old Town etc. etc.) I did take a peek at their website today and it seems that they have a pretty impressive clientele. We're sure you'll do us proud.

We are glad you're getting to see the sights down there. It must be pretty refreshing after the shut in existence you've had for the last year. I hope you get to the zoo and see the original Hippo Beach. The most obvious difference at that HB is that the denizens don't even go into the water to pee. No sense of decorum at all. Another great way to spend a Saturday afternoon down there is to sit by the Mission Beach boardwalk with a few Millers in a bag and watch the people go by for a couple of hours. It doesn't sound like much but trust me, its pretty entertaining.

Things are starting to pick up at the beach these days Vern and Gene have made an appearance and the Bluebird (not Butlers anymore) is scheduled to open up this weekend. We have moved the hoists and docks down to the waters edge but initial tests indicated that to put them in at present would cause an inordinate and irrecoverable amount of shrinkage. Consequently we stopped that endeavor and just drank beer. Besides we didn't feel right doing it without your Uncle John. If you see him tell him we're putting them in on May 24. He doesn't return my calls for some reason.

Anyhow hang in there. We want to see you down at the beach as soon as you get back.