Thursday, October 4, 2007


It's been a few days since we posted so sorry about that! Joel has had a busy week so far. He went in the pool and did water rehabilitation; got a smaller and lighter chair which is again being traded up for another one; and continues to impress during physio. He has also had a few nights out on the town. He has been to the Imax and to Viet Thai. And last night it was Jen's 26th birthday, so a bunch of people, including Joel went to Tepanyaki's to celebrate. It's getting easier to get out now too with access to the Wascana Van Kaley's super-speed at getting Joel in and out of the van! This weekend he may try and get out to the beach again for Thanksgiving. But Joel will be posting an update soon and looks forward to seein you guys!


Anonymous said...

Cant believe you ate all of our shared meal. All of it. I am sure it was enjoyed!

Anonymous said...

You are doing so great Joel. Glad to see the improvements and impressed with the support you have. If you need any help on your house please call ta help.


Unknown said...

Hey BD,

Fucking Nascar Fast!

sorry about the F-Bomb Donna, it was needed for effect!

Anonymous said...

Keep it up! You are doing great and it is great reading this blog to keep up to date with progress and things. Look forward to seeing you again.

Jennifer Brandino-Chabot said...

Missed you this week. We are renovating our kitchen so i actually had something to do.
In any event, i will see you sometime next week. I hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with the fam.
-i'm thankful for you Joel and your recovery.

Love Jenn

Anonymous said...

hey joel!
Just wanted to say happy thanksgiving. I hope you get to eat lotsa good turkey and pumpkin pie! We're getting really excited to see you. Its just under two weeks now!! I can't wait to see all the new skills you've acquired. Take care, enjoy the long weekend
luv alana

Anonymous said...

J, Sorry i haven't been up in the last week. I'm sure Jacqui told you that i have been pretty sick. It sucks but I am trying hard to get better.
I have a big money tournament in 12 days, so its not a good time to have this flare up. But 12 days is a long time so i am planning on being better by then.
Maybe sometime this week we can have a mental prep session. I really need one of your talks. Miss you all the time.

Mang said...

Hey Joel,

It's been a while since our last post, but we just wanted to let you know that you're still in our thoughts and conversations. We're coming home at the end of November and we'd really like to get together. I think Ang has your cell phone number, so we'll be in touch sometime in November. Happy turkey day, say hi to the fam. for us. Cheers,

Matt and Ang

Anonymous said...

You amaze me.

Anonymous said...

happy thanksgiving mefriend. let's have a pizza/movie night asap. love you.
