Saturday, January 12, 2008

Beach Bash!

Quick FYI the Poverty Plainsmen have been kind enough to involve me in one of their shows @ the Beach. Info is on the poster, tickets are $25. A portion of the tickets will be directed towards my recovery. It would be great to see as many of you there as can make it.


Anonymous said...

I am lookin forward to it!

Anonymous said...

Hey there!! So jealous Z got to see you, he said you looked amazing and were doing great! I'm so happy and proud of you. Lots of love, C

Unknown said...

Hey BD,

I am not anonymous, and i can't wait to dummy your team @ the bonspiel......mighty geese classic here we the way i told the organizer that you team name was "The meat heads" just for reference.

B said...

Hi Joel!

We saw that you called- we were in Jamaica!! So bummed that we missed you! That's assuming that we didn't get a call from another Saskatchewan resident! So we would love to support your cause but how can we contribute to this fund raiser? Can we call and by tics for a few of your friends? Please let me know- We really want to help!!!! Your house looks great!

Blair and Tommy

Unknown said...

Hey BD,

Thanks for the party last night, it was a dyno time. I loved the mid-night thing that ever happened to me. My friends thought your mom was hilarious, and your old man and pete can put down tequila like no other! Again thanks, everyone had a great time!