Thursday, April 3, 2008

Earl's Event Pictures


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

the Hippo Beach representative

Sorry,I could not make it to your do at Earls. I was in fact out of the country scouting out possible locations for a new Hippo beach location for the winter months. Indeed, I did find a likely location, in fact it appeared to be some type of Hippo graveyard where many decrepid overaged overweight and overtanned men sat about the beach drinking beer and pretending they were much younger than they actually were. Every Eden, as you know has its dark underbelly. Here was no exception ...apparently, to join these Hippo wannabes you have to wear a Speedo. Its not very pretty mental image is it? So we will continue our quest for a winter nesting ground.

We understand you are soon headed south yourself. Having spent some time in San Diego I have compiled a small list of places you may wish to visit. I wouldn't take your Mom, but given the choice between her and Shane mabe I would. (Shane keeps falling asleep during cocktail hour these days.) Anyhow, Kenny and I will send you down there with some cash and a few items to purchase for us in the Gaslight district. Nothing illegal, but I'd be a little careful coming back across the border.

We are somewhat suspicious of the timing however, as it seems to interfere with the annual Hippo religious festival where we put the docks and lifts in the water. Where you may not be quite ready to help yet we certainly expected Kayley and Leah to take your place. We most definitely expect your participation after you bulk up in San Diego.

Anyhow, hang in there. Hope to see you before you go.

Ally B said...

Hey Joel - I'd love to catch up when you have some time and before you go - email me your phone number and a time when you're available
I love adn miss you a lot

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel;

Glad you're still doing well and making progress!

Ryan Smith

Anonymous said...

What's keeping you so busy you haven't given any updates?