Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Crave Party

Here is Joel and Gabe at the Crave Party. Also pictured is Drew Miller's name and Joel's finger. Oh, and the Stanley Cup. Thanks Alan for the great pics!


Anonymous said...

lookin good!

Unknown said...

Hey BD,

I think that picture was taken just before the elevator ride of infamy.....BOOM!

Anonymous said...

Pics are very nice....very nice. Seems like you are always out on one adventure or another. Your progress inspires me each and every day. You really are Doing it just like you said.

Anonymous said...

Soooo proud to know you and be a part of your life. You are inspiring. You have become and accomplished what most people could never understand. And you have taken what could have been a tragedy and turned it into a life-changing experience with so many unexpected wonders and goodness. Like our wise-friend said to you that night, "A chair is just a chair. We are all the same. We are all the human spirit. And your spirit is beautiful." I think all the chocolate you eat helps too. Just sayin.

Thinking about ya....


Cristin said...

Hey Joel,
I was so excited to finally catch up with you this summer and now to see how well your progress seems to be going. You look fantastic! Hopefully I can get a chance to come and visit you again.
I'm always pulling hard for you :)
Keep it going, you're in my thoughts and prayers

Anonymous said...

Very good news about you taking steps. Keep up the energy and success!

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel,
Good to hear that you are making wonderful progress. Will be in touch this week.