Thursday, December 20, 2007
Happy Holidays
So with the week winding down and holidays beginning, I will be heading home to Mom's house until Christmas eve. Then out to Regina Beach with the old man. No plans for New Years yet, but I do hope to get out snowmobiling. I hope everyone has a safe and a wonderful holiday season! I look forward to seeing all who have a chance to get by the house, or if not give me a shout on my phone. Bye for now. Also, please check out the interview on CBC TV that Jen and I did last night. It is at (then click on news at six. It's at about the 15 minute mark).
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
CBC Radio Morning Edition
Hey everyone! Joel and Jen were on the Morning Edition this morning. If you missed it, you can still check it out at It was a great interview! There are some more events in the works in terms of a fundraiser, so please keep checking for more details. Also, there is a great place that Jen is thinking about going to after rehabl called Project Walk, and now Joel is looking into it. If you want to read more details check out the website at
Monday, December 17, 2007
It was a good weekend with lots of relaxing, Christmas Shopping and an Ugly Sweater Party! This week is going to be intense again, trying to fit in all the physio before Christmas! Please feel free to swing by Wascana or go for a holiday drink. Also, Joel appreciates all the phone calls/notes/ visits very much and wants everyone to know that! He is continuing to make progress with all-over strength and is working hard to improve every day. Keep checking back as the blog will be updated over the holidays!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Jenny-G Support

Hey everyone,
Just a quick post and info about Jen's fundraiser that is going to be going on at Moxie's in Regina. Please have a look! (For those that don't know, Jen is also at Wascana with Joel, and was injured a week before him.) This pic is a few moths old and it is important to note the two of them have come a long way since then!
On July 14, 2007 Jennifer Gabrysh's life changed forever. The then 25 year old student, yoga instructor, and server at Regina's Moxie’s Classic Grill broke her neck in a swimming accident at Regina Beach. Jen, now a quadriplegic, is an inspiration to all those who hear her story.
Moxie’s staff and management are holding a restaurant-related fundraiser to support Jen’s “Wing’s of Hope” Foundation. Between January 10 – February 10, 2008 a portion of all proceeds collected from Moxie’s menu items the Wor Won Ton Noodle Bowl, Bites of Brownie, and Pints of Molson Canadian will directly contribute to Jen’s foundation and goal of further rehabilitation.
Our fundraising goal is raise $8000-$10,000 to financially assist Jennifer in attending Project Walk, an intensive rehabilitation institute in San Diego, California.
Jessica Fink is heading up this promotion that will conclude with a silent auction and party in Moxie’s lounge. To sponsor this fundraiser or for more information please contact Jessica at
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Sorry for the delay in posts. Joel is doing great and is counting down the days until he can see his family at Christmas! Other than that he has been continuing to work hard at physio and is getting lots of rest. The cold weather doesn't help much when trying to get out, but Joel has been continuing to spend some QT with friends and family and of course with Jen! Thanks again for the continued positive thoughts and energy! And again, Joel will be doing his own post soon.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Leader Post Article Dec 3, 2007

Bancescue able to take his first steps
Pamela Cowan Leader-Post
Monday, December 03, 2007
CREDIT: Roy Antal
Leader-Post / Joel Bancescue (centre) stands up as Wascana Rehabilitation Centre attendant Pat Jones (left) and physical therapist Sheila Dickie help him take a few steps during his therapy.
Joel Bancescue always believed he'd walk again.
His faith was rewarded on Thanksgiving Day.
"I was at the park with my mom and my right leg kind of kicked and moved on its own and that was the kick start to my recovery," Bancescue said. "Thanksgiving truly was what it is."
The Regina man broke his neck at Regina Beach when he went for an early morning swim at a private beach on July 22. He couldn't move his body or feel any sensation when he was rushed to the Regina General Hospital. Later he learned that he had a fractured C4 and C5 vertebra and contused spine. After five days in ICU he had surgery that placed four screws with rods attached to them on either side of his neck.
He moved to the Wascana Rehabilitation Centre on Aug. 8 and as a result of intensive therapy and intestinal fortitude, the 26-year-old took a big step in his recovery with some small steps on Nov. 7.
"Now they have me using a walker with a couple of people making sure that my legs stay straight and move properly and there's a couple of people around for safety," Bancescue said.
While his left leg doesn't function as well as his right, he's proud of his progress, especially when willing his body to function is mentally and physically draining.
"I never realized how much brain power you need to move," he said.
"When I was first in the hospital after my injury, I really didn't have any arm movement, so to reach up to my face was really a mental process. I had to think about what muscles I needed to lift and what arm movement needed to occur to do that. Now, after a lot of repetition, it's become ingrained again."
Usually upbeat, the Regina man has had down days since the accident. He credits his strong support network of family, friends and staff for lifting his spirits. His girlfriend Jacqui Swedburg said Bancescue's attitude inspires those around him.
"Every single person that he's met has commented on how his positive attitude inspires them," she said.
When Bancescue took his first steps in the physio department, patients and staff wildly clapped and cheered.
"It was really inspiring -- everyone recognized what we'd just accomplished," Bancescue said. "Nobody knows what kind of progress you're going to make or where you're going to get."
He's thankful for several fundraisers that have raised more than $50,000 for him and allowed him to buy an old wheelchair accessible van. The balance is earmarked for specialized equipment and medical costs down the road.
On weekends Bancescue regularly stays at his mom's house and throughout the week he goes out with friends.
"We go out to movies, to concerts and we were out for Grey Cup," he said. "There's a lot of logistics to consider when you go out, but you learn to work around them."
He plans to spend part of the Christmas holidays at Regina Beach.
"The first time I went back after the accident was for my Grandma's 85th birthday," he said. "I haven't been back to where the accident happened, but the beach is a place that I love so I'll always go back."
As long as he continues to make progress, he plans to stay at the rehab centre.
"When I plateau, I guess that means I'll get discharged, but I'm hoping to use as much of the therapy here as I can," Bancescue said. "I've met a whole new community of people -- it's great.
"Obviously I wouldn't have wanted the accident to happen, but it's really strengthened relationships with my family and friends. You see a whole different side of people."
© The Leader-Post (Regina) 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
After what seemed like a long week, it is finally the weekend! Joel plans on going home again for Saturday night. Other than that, he will probably be hangin at his house which is just getting the finishing touches and looks amazing --thanks to Shayne, Hippo Beach Posse, Danny, and all the people who pitched in. Thanks again Damon for not only helping out but also finding more help to get the renos done! On another note, we just passed the 4 month mark of Joel's accident on the 22nd. To see his improvement, strength, and wonderful attitude is really something to be admired. HE has such an impact on people that everyone seems to end up hanging out in his room! He has even been recruited to join wheelchair curling! If you want to reach him this weekend, call his cell or stop by his house or Wascana.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Grey Cup Comes Home!
After so many years the Grey Cup has finally come home! Joel enjoyed it at a great party, and then went out to Soho later on. Got to see a ton of people he hadn't in a while and it was a great time! Joel also went to see some curling and got to hang out at home with Jen and her dad. The weekend has been so wonderful, let's hope it continues in to the rest of his week! He continues to gain strength throughout his body and mind, and is focused on keeping that momentum going. Again, Joel will be doing his own post soon, so please keep a look out for it! (His hand strength, especially in his right hand, continues to improve all the time), but we can't guaruntee that what he writes will have a PG-rating! Just kidding. But do look for it!
Friday, November 23, 2007
Grey Cup

This weekend Joel will be going to a curling tournament, wheelchair rugby tournament, and will be watchin the Grey Cup! Please call on cell to track him down or join up with and go out with. The week has been a little rough, and definitely feels like it has been a long one. But he continues to work hard and get the job done! Also, to the Grade 4 and 5's over at Hunt School: Thank you for all the support! Joel LOVES hearing from you guys and is looking forward to coming to your class sometime!
That's all for now. But look for a post coming soon typed out by Joel.....
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Hey everyone! It was a great game on Sunday that was fully enjoyed at the Imax! I can't wat for this weekend! This week is already proving to be very challenging, but very rewarding with physio. I am continuing to take steps and work on my hands and basically all over. I am also testing out a few other chairs and trying to find the best one for me. On another note, it has been great catching up with some of you and seeing you! I hope we can hook up this weekend for a little "celebration." Cheers!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Rider Weekend
Joel continues to make big progress during physio and is very excited! Hard work is paying off and he is very happy about it. Going home for the weekend so feel free to call and catch up or make plans to hang out. He is also going to the Rider Game at the Imax, as well as going to his house which is almost ready to be moved into. Joel has been in great spirits this past while, some of it because of progress, most of it because of you guys. He will do a post very soon!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Crave Party
Great Weekend!
This weekend was awesome. Joel was out and about with his buddies on Saturday, then went out to the beach for the game Sunday and Monday. Today he has more pool therapy and more physio, which he is definitely looking forward to after his amazing progress.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Baby Steps
Hey everyone! I would like to share some very exciting and encouraging things that have been happening the past couple of weeks. I am able to stand up (with assistance), and now this week we have begun to take our first steps towards walking. Basically, when I first did it, it was on a treadmill with a harnesss. My right leg works very well, and my left leg is lagging behind in strength and mobility, but it wants to work. Now we have moved on to walking continuous steps across the floor (but keep in mind it's with much assistance still - with physiotherapists etc). However, it is a HUGE step in my recovery and I am very proud! I do have video and hope to upload if I can figure out how. I would like to send my love to everyone for continued support and prayers... We are DOING IT!
Much love always!!!!
Much love always!!!!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Last night was a blast! Thanks to an awesome guy, we got to go backstage at Modest Mouse and watch the concert. It was great! We also got to experience what band members actually think when they hear two women and a guy in a locked stall in the Men's bathroom. Let's just say it was both extremely embarrassing and completely hilarious! The week continues to be great and I am thinking of possibly adding some more therapy-type things to my already wonderful physio. If you know of other things you think might help, let me know. That's all for now.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Hey everyone! It's been a good weekend with a trip home to watch the football game, and a couple of nights spent at home. I also went to see Into the Wild, a great movie, and spent a lot of time getting some r and r on the couch. Tomorrow night I am going to Modest Mouse and am looking forward to the long weekend and heading out to the beach. I will update again soon and have some more sweet pics! The Afters of the house are almost ready!
Friday, November 2, 2007
Some quick Wedding Pics
Chillin at Home

Just chillin with the gang at home! It's been tough getting back to Wascana after such a relaxing and peaceful time at home. But physio continues to kick my butt and motivate me all that more to keep fighting. I miss everyone and look forward to seeing all of you. I have had a busy few weeks as you can see, but it has been wonderful. I feel very lucky.
Cheers! and GO RIDERS!!!!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Good Times

Group shot of everyone plus George Strombolopoulous at Hotel Sask lobby. Again, a great night! As for an update, Joel is continuing to make excellent progress and is now experimenting with some reflexology and more massages. His determination and spirit is stronger than ever and he is going to do his own post very soon!
Monday, October 29, 2007

This weekend Joel cruised around town to the Corner Gas party, Geminis and a few sweet after-parties. Thanks to George Strombo, Damon and Joel had some of the best seats in the house. He met everyone from George, to Ron McLean, Corey Haim, George St. Pierre an a ton of other peeps. This shot is the best one and says it all. For those of you who watch Air Farce, Luba Goy and Joel are pictured here, in a brief moment between their hour-long conversation! His mask and boa are courtesy of Luba. It was a great weekend!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
New Wheels and UPdate

Joel has now purchased a new sweet maroon 1990 VW Vanagon complete with wheelchair lift and primo seating. Thank you Cal!!!! The week has been very tiring, with tons of physio and rest. Joel will be testing out a little reflexology this weekend to help with his rehab as well. He will do a post very soon and is missing everyone a lot!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Great Times
Joel is back safely at Wascana Rehab after a whirlwind vacation filled with tons of fun! We will post from him as well as some pictures very soon! But it was a great wedding and an awesome couple of days!!!!
Friday, October 19, 2007
The Boys
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The Cards

Joel's friend Damon made Joel a little something -- Business Cards! Check 'em out! (Sorry about the photo quality!) Hard work and much progress continues at Wascana, while Joel is counting down the minutes until he gets to see his family in Calgary. This weekend will be great and a much-needed "mini-break" from rehab. But Joel isn't letting a vacation stop his progress....he has lots of extra things lined up to help him while he is gone (stretching, maybe a little accupuncture, who knows!). Anyways, will try and update the blog again tomorrow and while away at least once. As Joel says "Jump Feet First" and have a sweet day!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Hippo Party

Who would have thought a hang of Hippos would have the weekend energy to paint an entire house not once but twice! Now don't get me wrong, I can't use the word lazy, BUT slow movement with grace might be a better way to describe the hang that showed up. On another note, I would like to really thank ALL of you for attending the painting party. The house looks AWESOME! I even got to check out the upstairs: thanks for the lift! PS pictures of the newly remodelled house to follow in the next few days. Other big things that happened this weekend, I got to see and hold the Stanley Cup, and I discovered today, that people who drive VW vans, have secret waves to each other. Signing off on this Sunday night, and I will talk to you soon....
Jen's BDAY
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Just Another Day

It's just another day in Joel's life. Ya know, hanging out with the Stanley Cup at the Ruby. And this isn't the replica, this is the REAL deal, spelling mistakes and all. The way to tell is by the bottom of the Cup. The replica does not have the logo. Joel and Brent (his buddy from work in the middle picture) were just some of the lucky few who got to actually HOLD it, thanks to Mike, the Keeper of the Cup! He is also proud to say that he got to see his cousin Drew Miller's name on it first hand.
Hey everyone,
Today is the day much painting will be goin on at Joel's house. If you have a chance call him or stop by! So far everything looks great and Hippo Beach represtatives have truly represented. This has been a great week and everyone's in great spirits. Joel has been doing excellent and is truly a champion! Take care for now and keep checkin back here....things we can promise: Pictures of Joel with a Special Guest and a blog from Joel.
Today is the day much painting will be goin on at Joel's house. If you have a chance call him or stop by! So far everything looks great and Hippo Beach represtatives have truly represented. This has been a great week and everyone's in great spirits. Joel has been doing excellent and is truly a champion! Take care for now and keep checkin back here....things we can promise: Pictures of Joel with a Special Guest and a blog from Joel.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Family Photo
Monday, October 8, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving
I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend full of family, friends and food. I think we all expect to gain a little bit of weight this weekend, loooove the turkey. (FYI my mom told me that she has seen a ninety pound turkey) On a skinnier note, therapy great this week with some additions of pool time and weight lifting. I've got an updated wheelchair something more sweet and metallic like (with a clock - don't ask why). Big thanks to the Cibart family for lending us their summer cruiser (a VW van)! On friday I took my first trip back to work to visit the guys at the sound stage and see what the movie Walled In looks like. Saturday I went to the beach for thanksgiving supper, Sunday I enjoyed anothing thanksgiving supper in the city and today was round three for me!
On a sadder note, my cousin Matt passed away and I would appreciate it if everyone would join in a moment of silence to send thoughts and prayers to our cousin Matt and his family.
Missing you all, Joel.
On a sadder note, my cousin Matt passed away and I would appreciate it if everyone would join in a moment of silence to send thoughts and prayers to our cousin Matt and his family.
Missing you all, Joel.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
It's been a few days since we posted so sorry about that! Joel has had a busy week so far. He went in the pool and did water rehabilitation; got a smaller and lighter chair which is again being traded up for another one; and continues to impress during physio. He has also had a few nights out on the town. He has been to the Imax and to Viet Thai. And last night it was Jen's 26th birthday, so a bunch of people, including Joel went to Tepanyaki's to celebrate. It's getting easier to get out now too with access to the Wascana Van Kaley's super-speed at getting Joel in and out of the van! This weekend he may try and get out to the beach again for Thanksgiving. But Joel will be posting an update soon and looks forward to seein you guys!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Day 69
Hey everyone,
This week has been fantastic. I got my beard back, and I got a new ride. I can wheel a lot further now, and I am starting some extra weight lifting at the gym to help out with that. I also get some time to display my speedo in the pool. Oh yeah! Hope to keep seein all you and we will be planning a big get together in the next few weeks, so stay tuned!
This week has been fantastic. I got my beard back, and I got a new ride. I can wheel a lot further now, and I am starting some extra weight lifting at the gym to help out with that. I also get some time to display my speedo in the pool. Oh yeah! Hope to keep seein all you and we will be planning a big get together in the next few weeks, so stay tuned!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
The REAL Before Pics
Check out the real BEFORE pics. We will post the AFTER ones very soon! Sorry to disappoint but the green room is no longer green and the pink is gone too. I also got rid of the flowers on the cupboards. Actually, pretty much got rid of the whole kitchen! Can't wait to post updated photos soon. The work has been amazing!

Danny and the boys, and some girls too, also built a deck on the front and are using a previous one from Corner Gas on the back, and fixed up the entire basement. Again, much thanks!
We also ripped up all the old carpets and took off all the old wallpaper.
Danny and the boys, and some girls too, also built a deck on the front and are using a previous one from Corner Gas on the back, and fixed up the entire basement. Again, much thanks!
We also ripped up all the old carpets and took off all the old wallpaper.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Another fabulous weekend!
I had an incredible Friday night at the steak dinner fundraiser at the beach. Much love goes out to all who attended, supported and enjoyed. A special thanks to Kim, Brenda and Debbie who made everything happen Friday night! I had a great time.
Saturday afternoon we went to the rider game, I want to thank Jim Hopson for the tickets and his generousity with everything this weekend. I had a chance to get out Saturday night on the town a little bit, enjoyed everyones company and seeing people I hadn't seen for a while. I got some good quality family time in as well. House renos have continued and I hope to have some updated pictures soon.
Hope everyone has a good week.
Bye for now.
Saturday afternoon we went to the rider game, I want to thank Jim Hopson for the tickets and his generousity with everything this weekend. I had a chance to get out Saturday night on the town a little bit, enjoyed everyones company and seeing people I hadn't seen for a while. I got some good quality family time in as well. House renos have continued and I hope to have some updated pictures soon.
Hope everyone has a good week.
Bye for now.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Hot Wheels
Beach Party Reminder!
Just a reminder that Baldy's Beach Bar will be crazy tonight! There are already 250 tickets sold to this awesome night of steaks, drinks and good times. Event kicks off at 6 pm tonight and goes until 10, but the bar is open all night. If you dont have tickets yet there are still a few available! It's only $25 and all proceeds go to Joel who will also be the Guest of Honour.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Looking forward to the weekend.
So just to clear things up, both of those pictures were before pictures and we will be putting up new and improved pictures after the weekend. I thought we were being funny..
There is a lot to look forward to this weekend. The beach bar benefit is being held Friday and I am very excited to visit with everyone. I am also attending the Saskatchewan - B.C. football game with the family on Saturday.
Physio and Occupational therapy continue to kick my butt so it will be nice to have a few days off to visit.
Hope to chat with you all soon.
There is a lot to look forward to this weekend. The beach bar benefit is being held Friday and I am very excited to visit with everyone. I am also attending the Saskatchewan - B.C. football game with the family on Saturday.
Physio and Occupational therapy continue to kick my butt so it will be nice to have a few days off to visit.
Hope to chat with you all soon.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Reflections by Jack Handy (SNL)
It's been a busy couple of days! I just want to thank everyone for the donations they made in attending Globe Theatre for the Corner Gas benefit. From the bottom of my heart thank you again to all who attended and to all who helped organize. This gives me the resources to continue to fight.
This past weekend has also left me with such a huge smile! House renos went fantastic! And although not quite complete, the changes have been incredible. A big thank you to my boss and friend Danny Scavuzzo for coordinating this reno event and also a big thank you to all who brought their skills. I love you guys! PS Check out the before and after pics on the left. Oh yeahhh!
I also went for dinner for gramma's 49th birthday, and it was awesome. Then I capped off the weekend by going to the Blue Man Group! It was great! I also realize this weekend why I love the movie Super Troopers. For all those who haven't seen it, watch it, even if it's with a grain of salt.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Getting very close to the weekend and Joel is excited about his home renos beginning. Much of the same to report: Good progress, less time spent with the neckbrace, more time in the wheelchair and self-propelling, and of course making plans for future outings! Only problem is the cold weather! Afternoons are a little more open now too, after 300 pm, so if you want to swing by feel free (for those of you who aren't working!) All in all things are lookin good! Joel is looking forward to seeing some of you this weekend....
Monday, September 10, 2007
This Weekend - Flip This House For Joel Regina Style
I finally have possession of my house and it is time to get workin on it! We are looking for a little help, all handy types, to come out this saturday and sunday and help by "changing its history" with a little cosmetic overhaul. From painting flourescent green walls to ripping off old smokey wallpaper, if you can help we need you! All interested please contact Danny Scavuzzo at 596-2278 to get more details on where your handy skills can be put to the test. Your efforts will not go unbeveraged!!!!!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Almost Fall
It's been a few days but lots to report. Doctor's visit with the surgeon went well and Joel will slowly be getting himself off his collar. He also repeated his wheelchair self-propelling movement a few more times and looked great doing it! Weekend has been good so far, with Aunt Peni and Uncle John visiting from Calgary. Lots of family stuff goin on, including a very special birthday party, and even a trip out to the beach for the first time in almost two months! Joel even made it back to Baldy's for a quick visit, though getting back up the hill was an interesting challenge. But everything turned out great and Joel is looking forward to a wonderful week of hard work and well-deserved rewards.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Slower Than a Tortoise
Hey guys! I had a pretty uplifting moment today. I was in my wheelchair for Occupational Therapy and I self-propelled myself four feet in a mere five minutes. Felt pretty good, though it totally spent my arms, and then I was done. But I feel amazing that it happened. Every step counts or in this case every push. I will be racing the elderly in no time!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Day forty-four..
I hope this finds everyone well. The last few days have been really good, the weekend was busy, full of dragon boat spectating, an exciting Roughrider game and good old R&R. Other than that, not much else to report. Hope everyone had a great long weekend and I will see or hear from you soon.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Steak Night at The Beach!

Come to a great steak night at the beach! On Friday, September 21, at Baldy's Beach Bar in Regina Beach. Things kick off at 6 pm and go until 10 pm, but if you feel like stickin around for a bit of RB nightlife, please do so! What will you get besides a sweet time? How about steak, baked potato, garlic coleslaw and a "beverage." Tickets are $25 and are available at Donovel's Service Station, Home Hardware, or by calling Deb at 591-0280. You can only get in with advance tickets, so make sure you get 'em early. There are also auction items, Hippo Wear, 50/50 tickets and more! Joel will be there and hopes to see you guys soon!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Dragon Boat Races & Road To Recovery T-Shirts

Hey Everyone! The Dragon Boat Races are going on this weekend and Joel will be hanging out at Wascana Park for some of them. Make sure you call his cell and come meet up or come by Wascana Rehab for a visit! It's going to be a great weekend! Also, we do have the Road to Recovery T-shirts in Brown and Grey. Let us know if you want one! It is the same logo from the posters by Becki Hui that Kenny turned into a t-shirt. They come in S, M, L and XL. Will let you know price shortly!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
We Heart George
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Coming Events!
Here is just a quick update of the past few days. On Saturday Joel had an awesome steak dinner courtesy of the Keg followed by movies and a good sleep. The next day he headed out to see a movie at the Rainbow. Tonight he went to Teppanyaki's for a great dinner and outing and then hung out with Josh for his last night here. As Joel is now able to go some places he will hopefully be able to go to his fundraiser at Baldy's Beach Bar that will be happening very soon! More details will be posted on here soon so please keep checking back! Also a big thanks to everyone who raised money for Joel out at the Regina Beach Campground and again to the Freehouse and to Dominion Construction for hosting a BBQ with all funds going to Joel's Road to Recovey. It's things like that and visits from friends and family that keep things going in such a positive direction. And finally, on a bit of a funnier note, Joel was pictured in an article of the newspaper during the "Pull for Joel" fundraiser that Dawn and the Rowing Club organized. The caption read "Pull for Paul." That's all for the time being but there is lots more to come tomorrow!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Paris Needs to Get Her Own Slogan!
More Photos!!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Great Couple O Days
So...I have had such a wonderful last couple of days and it was made even better that I could get down to enjoy the Rowing competition and to be able to see everyone who came down to support and donate some sweat to the area. Thanks to everyone who had a part in the "Pull for Joel" fundraiser, especially Dawn who made the magic happen.
And a big thanks to all who showed up for the Corner Gas fundraiser.The support was so overwhelming and incredible that I can't thank everyone enough.I am honestly speechless!
Thinking about you all and keep coming to visit! See you soon!!!!!
And a big thanks to all who showed up for the Corner Gas fundraiser.The support was so overwhelming and incredible that I can't thank everyone enough.I am honestly speechless!
Thinking about you all and keep coming to visit! See you soon!!!!!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Pulling for Joel!!!
The Regina Rowing Club is having a fundraiser for Joel this weekend, during the Northwest Rowing Regatta. Friends, family and all Joel's supporters are invited to participate - and for those of you that don't know anything about one of Joel's favourite sports -- we'll make sure you learn!!!
Participants will pay $5.00 to pull 250 meters (not very far!) on a rowing training machine. We've got categories for the 'pro rowers' participating in the regatta, but also categories for Joel's friends and family, regatta volunteers, regatta officials (that's Shane's category!). The winner in each category will receive one of Joel's own special "hippo hats", and will have an opportunity to enter for some great participant prizes that the Club has had donated to the fundraiser from businesses throughout the city. For those of you that are REALLY competitive, you're encouraged to come back more than once to improve your score -- for another $5.00, of course!
And your reward -- other than helping Joel???? The Regina Rowing Club has proudly commissioned awesome "WE HEART JOEL" bracelets, and each participant will receive one, each time they pull.
So be sure to drop by the PULL FOR JOEL tent, at the south end of Wascana Lake, just down the park from Wascana Rehab, anytime Friday or Saturday between 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. We're looking forward to seeing everyone there!!!!
Participants will pay $5.00 to pull 250 meters (not very far!) on a rowing training machine. We've got categories for the 'pro rowers' participating in the regatta, but also categories for Joel's friends and family, regatta volunteers, regatta officials (that's Shane's category!). The winner in each category will receive one of Joel's own special "hippo hats", and will have an opportunity to enter for some great participant prizes that the Club has had donated to the fundraiser from businesses throughout the city. For those of you that are REALLY competitive, you're encouraged to come back more than once to improve your score -- for another $5.00, of course!
And your reward -- other than helping Joel???? The Regina Rowing Club has proudly commissioned awesome "WE HEART JOEL" bracelets, and each participant will receive one, each time they pull.
So be sure to drop by the PULL FOR JOEL tent, at the south end of Wascana Lake, just down the park from Wascana Rehab, anytime Friday or Saturday between 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. We're looking forward to seeing everyone there!!!!
Quick Recap

Hi! Just a quick recap of the night for those who couldn't be there last night. The night started with some drinks and appetizers and a meet and greet with Joel in the main lobby of the Globe Theatre. Next was the hilarious read through of the script "Hair Comes the Judge." The cast was amazing but there were a few other standout roles that went to the people in the audience! Scripts were handed out ahead of time to a few people who had to follow along and shout out lines during the reading. Just a few memorables include Kenny as the Stranger at the Ruby, Sara and Alana as teenagers, and of course Shane and his "Keep the Change" line. After the reading some thank-yous were had, and Joel received standing ovations from over 400 people!!!!! Jen was also seated next to Joel, and also received a standing ovation! What a night! Brent Butt then took the mic and raffled off some door prizes including items like a Rider football (signed by the entire team!!!), a gift certificate from the Freehouse, and a cooler full of summer fun (aka B-E-E-R). The night was topped off with more food and drink and chatting! I know Joel wanted to offer his own personal thanks on here later, so stay tuned. And again thank you to all who took part (Virginia Thompson, David Storey, Brent Butt (Brent Leroy), Gabrielle Miller (Lacey Burrows), Fred Ewanuick (Hank Yarbo), Eric Peterson (Oscar Leroy), Janet Wright (Emma Leroy), Tara Spencer-Nairn (Karen Pelly), Lorne Cardinal (Davis Quinton), and Nancy Robertson (Wanda Dollard). Also a HUGE thanks to Cavan Cunningham who MC'ed (aka Mayor Fitzy). He was a riot!The Globe Theatre...especially Ruth, Soho and Crave (best food and drinks ever!) the volunteers and of course all the people who came out and supported Joel on his path to recovery. Also, Becki Hui who designed the awesome logo,Holly Baird-Pinch (who helped hugely!) and of course Richelle Bourgoin and (who didn't want to be mentioned but is the publicist and amazing friend of Joel's)! And of course CTV for letting all this happen! We don't know the exact amount raised but it was a LOT! More thanks to the Freehouse, the crew of Sabbatical, and all of the other wonderful people who have raised money. There are no words big enough to describe it all! More to come from Joel himself, but as you can tell, last night ROCKED!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
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