Sunday, September 23, 2007

Another fabulous weekend!

I had an incredible Friday night at the steak dinner fundraiser at the beach. Much love goes out to all who attended, supported and enjoyed. A special thanks to Kim, Brenda and Debbie who made everything happen Friday night! I had a great time.
Saturday afternoon we went to the rider game, I want to thank Jim Hopson for the tickets and his generousity with everything this weekend. I had a chance to get out Saturday night on the town a little bit, enjoyed everyones company and seeing people I hadn't seen for a while. I got some good quality family time in as well. House renos have continued and I hope to have some updated pictures soon.
Hope everyone has a good week.
Bye for now.


Anonymous said...

Hey Joelster !!!
Glad to see ya had a good weekend.
I just finished taping out your kitchen. Just gotta do the roof line and on to the bathroom...
You should get yourself on facebook... its like myspace but way better...
Take care bRAh... Clinters

Anonymous said...

yes joel, facebook wants to meet you.
saturday night was fun. i can be fun sometimes. let's all do it again soon!
love court

Anonymous said...

Had a wonderful weekend!!!!! Although I think we may have broke your curfew both nights....but that's aight. It was definitely worth it! See you soon J

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel - glad to hear you have been getting a good dose of "sociable"... it certainly helps rekindle the spirit. Sorry we couldn't attend the steak night - but we saluted you a couple of times at home. Have a wonderful week and take special care of yourself.

Brenda, Lorna, Erin, Merideth and Carrie J.

Anonymous said...

check it out, could be something for you.

Anonymous said...


Good to see you are doing well and enjoying being with friends and family. Im so glad you can get out and about, that must be such a good feeling!

And I agree with your friends - you should definitely get on facebook!! But be warned, its very addictive!

Sending you lots of love....
Clare xo

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see how you continue to progress. You are remarkable.

Anonymous said...


I know of you from Jacqui. I hear lots about your improvements and even though I don't know it seems like you are a great guy! Keep up the good work. (I read your blog a lot to keep myself motivated for life in general). Just wanted to give props where props were due.


Anonymous said...

hi friend. i hope to be seeing you in the next few days.

love court

Anonymous said...

Gotta get to Modest Mouse early. No arranged seating.


Anonymous said...

Hey Joel, your Dad said you were ready to go back into general population. That's so great. All of us looking forward to your Calgary trip. Uncle John

Jennifer Brandino-Chabot said...

sorry we missed you last weekend, Kev had a change of plans. However, he will be in this weekend so we plan to be by on Friday afternoon or on Saturday. Hopefully you are around.
See ya then

jenn xoxox

Unknown said...

Hey BD,

Hey guy man, I love that your mom lets me drive the van in Friday night. I also enjoy that fact that you are Elvis and rent out an entire movie theatre. Sorry about the spinach, tomato and ham...weak, I know. Pizza needs to be able to be scarffed hard, when its cold......that was not a possibility with that dough disc. Meat that bastard up next time for sure!

I was super impressed with you on Friday night, you inspired everyone in the room, and that was a big god damn room. Plus you were like a freaking jack in the box ……BOOM…..bouncing all over the place. Keep it up shooter!