Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Looking forward to the weekend.

So just to clear things up, both of those pictures were before pictures and we will be putting up new and improved pictures after the weekend. I thought we were being funny..
There is a lot to look forward to this weekend. The beach bar benefit is being held Friday and I am very excited to visit with everyone. I am also attending the Saskatchewan - B.C. football game with the family on Saturday.
Physio and Occupational therapy continue to kick my butt so it will be nice to have a few days off to visit.
Hope to chat with you all soon.


Anonymous said...

Hey Joel!
Just wanted to let you know that I've been following your progress and my dad continues to keep me up to date. I wanted to come to the Globe but by the time my parents told me about it, it was already sold out...I'm back in Winnipeg now, doing my final year of school. Anyway, I'm so happy to hear you're making great progress. I know you are a tough guy! Best wishes and good luck with the completion of your house renos. Take care.
Jocelyn Tanner

Anonymous said...

Thinking about you today, with lots of love and positive energy!! Miss you, can't wait to see you! No doubt you've been practicing your moves for the dancefloor!! xoxo Court & Z

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel.. I continue to read up on your progress even though I am up in Saskatoon now. I am wearing your shirt and bracelet with pride up here. Have had many people ask me about your story.. They to(although you do not know them) wish you the best in recovery. Its sounds like Physio is kicking your butt but its also sounds like there is progress and that in itself is phenominal.. Ya that spelling could be wrong.. anyways wanted to let you know that I am still wishing you the best... Carrie J(brenda's Daughter)

Anonymous said...

I told you the football game was at 5!
Hope you're having a good day.

Unknown said...

Hey BD,

I am so jacked up for the Beach, it is gonna be a gong show. I hope they give you VIP parking @ least this time. Also I will try come visit you @ the game. So pumped you get to go to the game too bud. Sorry I won't be able to come around Joel's Lounge and Eatery very soon, I have caught a cold so i will keep my distance. Cya Friday.......from across the bar.

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel -- I see Damon's note about 'Joel's Lounge and Eatery' -- now I know why your Grandma's cookies are all gone!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel,
Hope you are doing good and getting all set for the weekend! Your party at the beach sounds like it will be a lot of fun! I get so jealous hearing about these events going on, Josh and I wanna be there for them so badly!! I guess we get to see you soon though! Anyways just wanted to say have a great weekend. And even though i'm from bc, I will be hoping the Roughriders win for you guys! Take care, alana

Anonymous said...

I forgot to say joel, if you haven't done it already, go see Superbad! Josh and I watched it and it is hilarious. I think its just as funny if not better than Knocked Up, so its a must! Okay bye! alana

Anonymous said...

Sorry i haven't been up in a while. I've been busy with work this week. But i will see you tomorrow night at the beach.

Burbarts said...

It was great to hear your voice over the phone the other day Joel. We visit the site often and get lots of other updates from everyone back home whenever possible. We are packing everybody up and will be there the first week of October so I'm sure we'll get to chat... I dunno... maybe like on a coffee run or something? (hehe). I would like to help out wherever I can and there should be no shortage of babysitters so just let me know where I can be useful. Alright paly, see you in a couple of weeks. C,K,C,H & Dug