Thursday, September 13, 2007


Getting very close to the weekend and Joel is excited about his home renos beginning. Much of the same to report: Good progress, less time spent with the neckbrace, more time in the wheelchair and self-propelling, and of course making plans for future outings! Only problem is the cold weather! Afternoons are a little more open now too, after 300 pm, so if you want to swing by feel free (for those of you who aren't working!) All in all things are lookin good! Joel is looking forward to seeing some of you this weekend....


Anonymous said...

Keep it up Joel. The road probably seems like it is getting longer, but now is the time to keep your spirits up. Just think of it this way. It's freezing out anyway, no one is doing anything good, and you have a ton of lady nurses to help you out. And a few guys. But you catch my drift.

Jennifer Brandino-Chabot said...

i will have you know that looking after a baby is my job.....just because i'm not actually working doesn't mean that i'm not do anything!
Ok, who am i kidding......i'm bored. We've already gone over this.
See you in a couple of days.

Love Jenn

i believe i will be needing a Large shirt. Not because i'm large but because i want to prolong the use of the t-shirt! Ciao

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel
Hope everything is going well in regina, and that your staying well. Things in Victoria are pretty boring at the moment. Josh and I have been busy getting back into school. I don't mean to brag after the last blog update but the weather in vic has been beautiful lately, im sure shane can attest to that from his visit. Anyways hope all is well, we both wish we could be there this weekend to help out with the house and drink beer!! We'll be thinking of you all this weekend! Take care, luv alana

Ally B said...

Joely Joely

Thinking about you a lot and will definitely be calling you soon - so much to catch up on. As always I couldn't be prouder of you, check this minutely for updates,. and am counting down til dance party 2007 Sending you love, & light
xoxoox ally

Anonymous said...

Joel, guess my timing today wasn't very good. I was looking forward to hanging with you. I was going to come back but my friend Shelly is in the general so i was with her.

I have to say that walking into the General today brought back the feelings i had when you were in SICU. Going into your room the first time I was so scared too see you. You probably didn't notice as you were pretty out if it.
You have come such a far way already. Some days it might not seem like it but every little thing is a step towards the final goal.

I don't think people know what you have been putting your body through. Pushing your body beyond its limits is something only a few people truly understand. I think about you in every workout i do. When i get tired and want to quit i push myself a little more just for you. Remember when i had you write "train till you puke" on my arms before the race. Now it is Train for Joel. You are an inspiration for every athlete.

Anonymous said...

Joel - as you may have heard we will be unable to offer our services this weekend. Unfortunately, we must visit our Swift Current chapter to investigate some (alleged) improprieties. As you are aware with renovation projects we HBers usually spend an inordinate amount of time near the fridge primarily in a consulting role. Previous customers have found us unduly expensive (not to mention annoying) particularly in light of the negligible benefits received. As such, you are probably grateful we will be absent. However, we will be there in spades for the steak dinner as it is more suited to our obvious talents.

Keep the faith.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dude,
Ill be there bright and early Sunday Morning to help out. My old man is working some deals on the tile, and will get back to you asap.
Take care man,

Anonymous said...


friday night at wascana was fun! i was focused and wouldn't have let you roll down a hill, haha. hope we can all do that again very soon!

love court

Anonymous said...

Sorry dude, but I'm still in Fernie, and won't be able to lend my less than competent hands to your home reno project. I will however, have a couple "pops" and visualize that I am there hammering nails or painting walls. Make sure that P.J.'s ol' man doesn't swindle you on those tiles!!! :)
Keep the faith and fight the good fight!
Miss you man,