Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Coming Events!

Here is just a quick update of the past few days. On Saturday Joel had an awesome steak dinner courtesy of the Keg followed by movies and a good sleep. The next day he headed out to see a movie at the Rainbow. Tonight he went to Teppanyaki's for a great dinner and outing and then hung out with Josh for his last night here. As Joel is now able to go some places he will hopefully be able to go to his fundraiser at Baldy's Beach Bar that will be happening very soon! More details will be posted on here soon so please keep checking back! Also a big thanks to everyone who raised money for Joel out at the Regina Beach Campground and again to the Freehouse and to Dominion Construction for hosting a BBQ with all funds going to Joel's Road to Recovey. It's things like that and visits from friends and family that keep things going in such a positive direction. And finally, on a bit of a funnier note, Joel was pictured in an article of the newspaper during the "Pull for Joel" fundraiser that Dawn and the Rowing Club organized. The caption read "Pull for Paul." That's all for the time being but there is lots more to come tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Watching Ironman was the most amazing thing i have ever witnessed. It's such an emotional event. There are no words that can describe what people go through to get to the finish line. Being there when the cut off time of 17 hours is approaching and racers are meters from the finish line with a thousand people chanting for them is the reason people race year after year. Doug and Shelly looked great during the race, my friend Ryan set a BP and finished in 11 hrs 33 mins. I am excited for my training this year and to race next year. My first Ironman is going to be for you!
You will be at the finish line with me next summer.

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel,

Just a quick note to let you know that I am thinking about you and wishing you the best. Looks like you have an amazing support group! I would of dropped you a line much sooner but I just arrived in SK a few weeks ago and I had not checked my email in almost a month; I had no idea about your accident until then. You are such a strong person Joel - no doubt that your road to recovery will be speedy. If you ever head east (towards PEI), make sure you drop me line. Again, wishing you and your family the best.

Take care of yourself,
Erin Kielly

Anonymous said...

Miss you

Anonymous said...

Hey Buddy,
Keep up all of your hard work over at Wascana. It is definately paying off. I am just about to leave here for Fernie, wishing that you were able to come out with us. We will be thinking of you, and don't you worry, we will be making fun of the Infamous Rabbit. I felt ripped off when I read the paper the other day. Why the hell did I do that painfull erg, when in the paper it said "Pull for Paul". Still can't believe Neil beat me out.
Take care buddy,

Anonymous said...

Hi Joel,

I am a friend of your Aunty Peni(actually her best friend - I just put that in because I know she will be reading this)and I wanted you to know that there are many people you don't know that have you and your family in their prayers. I believe all things are possible and so I have passed your story along to my family and friends and they too have added you to their prayers.
I am inspired by your positive can do attitude and your amazing friends and family.
I have been trying to send this blog for some time - but it took "on the phone instruction" from your Aunt to help me.
This is my first blog.Aunty Peni will be so proud.
I look forward to seeing you at Courtney's wedding in October.
Take care Joel,
Wendy Miles Copithorne

Jennifer Brandino-Chabot said...

Was out walking around Wascana park today with Brock and thought about stopping by. I didn't know if you were "baby friendly" yet!
Maybe next week will be better.

I hope that you received the newpaper articles mom sent Shane.
So uplifting to see someone achieve soo much success through hard work. It just means that you are more than capable of overcoming this challenge.

Keep fit and have fun....see you soon!


Anonymous said...


Have a great photo to put up on your blog very soon!! Thinkin about you....


Anonymous said...

That's awesome that you mobile now. Sorry I couldn't be there at Tepps to cook for you and get you and everybody wasted off some sake. Next time for sure.

Unknown said...

Hey BD,

Word up! Are you checking out the dragon boats? I was gonna stop by saturday or sunday probably, i will call and see where you are hiding. No offence but deb made the paper this week and you didn't.......whats up with that?

Anonymous said...

Tell Jacqui I've just emailed the uber-cool weheartjoel special edition bar photo from last night!

I miss you mister - when will we visit again?
