Thursday, August 2, 2007

The Days of Charlevoix

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It has been YEARS! (too long!) Somewhere in the process of changing phone services, i lost my phone book, and obviously your number was in there. Bryan Burnham called me yesterday and told me about what happened and i was shocked; i've been surfing your blog ever since. i was looking for an appropriate post to comment on, and i thought the charlevoix one would suit me best. :)
I know i'm over a year late on finding out, but let me first just say that if anyone can handle this, it's obviously you. I cannot believe the insane amount of progress you've already made. I'm SO SO proud of you. And how lucky you are to have such an amazing support system. I will continue to watch your progress via blogster, and will be praying for you always. I'm so sorry I didn't know earlier, but so glad to have found a way to get in touch with you again. My parents say hi and send their best wishes and prayers as well. I have yet to show them the mountains you've conquered. I'd love to hear from you whenever you get a free minute or two. Congratulations on such accomplishment-- and only getting stronger! Miss and love you tons,