Friday, August 3, 2007

Chillin with J-Dog

Today was another good solid day of physio. Joel also spent a few hours out in the sun. JD came by for a visit and got to spend some quality time with Joel. He didn't think twice about jumping onto the bed!


Anonymous said...

I do not have a story that involves Joel that doesn't involve some sort of dirtiness, so I will refrain! Keep up the work Joel and I'll see you Monday.

Anonymous said...

Joel - it was great to see you this morning. Sometimes life just doesn't seem fair and we wonder why things happen - I'm sure you've had that thought over the past few weeks.

I keep a saying from a fortune cookie taped to my computer at work - it says "You have the strength to overcome obstacles on your way to success!" I've thought of you every time I see that and know that you have the strength, the will and the ability to continue to move forward.

You're in my thoughts an prayers - Brenda E

Anonymous said...

hi joel
we buried the dinosaur bones today at at the avonlea site. they look great. in typical movie fasion the director showed up after our initial layout and changed the orientation, "maybe we should make it more disjointed, move some of the bones around a bit so they look like over the years they drifted apart". we buried the bones according to his new instructions and when we were done i brought the director back to show him the bones the way he asked for them only to have him say "hmmm, maybe we should get the bones back to their original layout closer together". anyways it was back to square one... i missed hearing your rant about ridiculous the crew is. anyways we had a great time dashing around in quads and laughing at tracy... more stories when i see you with some raw vegan food this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel,
If I don't get to see you before we leave for Henley, I just wanted to let you know that you'll be in our thoughts as we're racing hard.
And Dawn has also informed me that I was the only one to glue my face to your card?! I hope this is not true, because otherwise I feel like a bit of a weirdo!
Take care,
Stef Donison

Anonymous said...

hey you. Just letting you know that even though i am in NY i am still thinking about you. It is really hot here (36 but 45 with humidity and feels about 50 on the concrete courts). Guys were passing out today playing. I of course loved it as it was just another challenge.
Enjoy the weekend. maybe you can get your dad to make you the french toast you love so much....Esso bread yum!

Anonymous said...

Salut Joel
I heard news from John while he was driving back from Victoria. I'm thinking of you everyday here in Quebec, hoping your recovery is going well and I'm sure it does. J'ai hâte de te voir en personne... maybe in Montreal cause last time I went to Regina... it's your turn!

Unknown said...

Hey Stud,

You have made me want to get a dog, my cat sucks. Well she isn't that bad but she isn't jd cool. You let those nurses know even pro athletes get days off. Let me know if you are craving something, mcd's, BK, sushi, whatever, i will smuggle that shit in, on a cigar boat down the wascana!

Jill said...

Hey Joel. This is Jill Scheer (Ryan). We went to high school together. I think you were closer in age to my brothers (Jon and Steve). Anyways, I heard about your accident and I can't tell you how my heart sank upon hearing the news.

It sounds like you have an amazing support system around you. Even though I don't know you very well, you are in my thoughts and prayers several times a day.

We will continue to check your site for updates. It is so nice of your family to maintain this for you and for us.

Thank you for opening up and sharing your life with us.

Jill Scheer (nee Ryan)