Saturday, August 4, 2007

continued love..

I apologize for leaving my response for more than a couple of days but my days have been so filled with physio, eating, sleeping and doing drugs. (ha) That leaves me not much time for much else. I always have an open ear for everyones wonderful comments and they keep me so warm and focused on the end goal of walking again. You are all so amazing! As you can see my best furry buddy has been up to visit a few times, I got the colour back in my face and my arm/shoulder mobility is increasing daily - no thanks to the hospital food, but a big thanks to all outside food supporters! Had a wonderful stroll with the family and some friends down to a local coffee shop today, off of hospital premise. Man does that make me miss the sunshine and fresh air. But on the otherside I do get a whirl pool bath here pretty quick so i'll let you know how it goes. Love you all and speak with you soon. J


Anonymous said...

Hey dude,

I'm leaving for Henleys on monday. I'm racing lightweight single and double. I keep you posted on the (good) results.

I called John Haver today for his birthday and asked him to have 3 beers tonight. One for him, one for you and one for the fatty lightweight that I am...



Anonymous said...

WTG Joel... So glad to hear you made the "great escape" today. Everyone is here cheering you along this difficult road... You are in our thoughts and prayers daily. As always your spirit is inspiring!
By the way... Lily and Tiki (our two furry pals) think JD's a hunk!

Brenda, Lorna, Erin, Merideth and CarrieJ.

Anonymous said...

Hi Joel
I just looked through your blog and have been updated on your progress. You seem like you are doing amazing - I hope everything continues greatly on your road to recovery. You have always been such a strong guy. An update on me in Calgary - I got married to Derek 2 weeks ago - it was the perfect day and I am really happy just pretty tired still. Anyways I just wanted to let you know that we are thinking of you and wishing you all the best.
Best Wishes,

Anonymous said...

Hey Dude,
So glad to hear that you have been able to spend some serious time with J Dog...I know how happy that must make you. Still pulling for you on this end and keeping you in my thoughts. You are so incrediblle...keep that in mind constantly!!! Moosomin is the same..still sleeping in the bunk house...I guess I am not old enough to move into the adult sleeping quarters..oh well. I wish I had some more funny stories to tell you..just me and the fam chilling. George continues to be hilarious and slightly out of control...but it is all good.

Seriously though, I cannot wait to see you when I get back into town. I am excited to hear about all the progress and what not. Mostly, I am just pumped to see your smile. Ok. See you soon.

By the way...good on all the family for how amazing you have been in this thoughts are with you as well. Love-Ju

Anonymous said...

Love you too Joel..... missing you tonight.....sleep well

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel...sounds like you've been making really great progress over the last few days. And it's good to see that JD is making it out for a few visits...I'm sure he misses you!

Anyway...I just wanted to let you know that you're in my thoughts. If anyone can handle this obstacle it's you.

Hope the whirlpool bath was good to you. I think for the next one you should work it and see if you can sweet talk your way into a mud wrap or at least some aromatherapy....:-)

Take care,

Unknown said...

I cant believe Matt Just called you spanky. I can actually picture him say it. It was all 10 years ago. But it feels like yesterday.

Andrea said...

Spanky? I always preferred Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dummer (thanks Brenda for that). Matt - so glad you told that story but I think the time he stood up (on the bed), called out half a race plan and then went back to sleep was even better.

Just staying up late packing for Henley. We'll all be thinking of you this week and I'll try to keep Brenda occupied since you won't be there (lose my ID, miss the van, get a nosebleed 5 minutes before my race...)

Anonymous said...

Hey there Joel,

You are in my thoughts constantly even with the mountain elevation. I am so glad for the blog. As I sit here typing, the kids are watching a deer taste the flowers in the front yard. You, my friend are whirling in the tub!

I hope your night was restful.

Love Jan

Anonymous said...

sup dude, just me again mayzor bummin around in grande prairie waitin for good weather to work... so i been checkin it out rhather often.. good to hear ur still in good spirits and ur lookin even better now.. right on, anywho jus checkin in.. a few more days... and ill be back to visit.. pretty stoked... thoughts be with you


Anonymous said...

Hey Joel!
Its good to hear that you are doing so well- you definately have a ton of people supporting you so that is excellent. Keep up the good progress!
Best Wishes,
Julie Stone

admin said...


It's so great to see all the support you're getting from friends and family. Your are truly blessed.

...sending love and prayers your way.

go get 'em in physio. we believe in you.

we heart joel,

Lane Price