Saturday, August 11, 2007

CP Story....

A set carpenter on the comedy "Corner Gas" says he's deeply moved by the love and support he's receiving from the cast of the hit show since he broke his neck in a diving accident last month.

Joel Bancescue, 26, is currently wheelchair-bound in a Regina rehabilitation centre after fracturing two vertebrae in his neck in the accident last month at Regina Beach.

But he hopes to be strong enough to attend the comedy show fundraiser that the cast of Canada's most popular sitcom is planning for him on Aug. 21 in Regina.

"I was completely overwhelmed, I'm still overwhelmed, to hear that they were planning such a big, major event for me," Banescue said in a telephone interview from Regina on Friday.

"It has definitely lifted my spirits, because I just bought a house and I was worried about my financial situation. Now I don't really have to think about that stuff too much right now."

The money might also help, he added, in the event he wants to leave Saskatchewan to seek treatment or medical advice.

"Now I could travel elsewhere to get treatment if I needed to," he said.

Brent Butt, star of "Corner Gas," said the cast was happy to do whatever they could to help Banescue.

"He can't work and insurance is only going to go so far ... so we thought maybe we could help alleviate some of the financial worries so he can just concentrate on getting better," he said.

Regina's Globe Theatre has donated the space for the fundraising show, and local restaurants and nightclubs are contributing food and drink. The cast plans to perform a reading of a "Corner Gas" episode and participate in some comedy sketches.

"Everybody on the set knows everybody - it's not Hollywood - so everyone chums around and parties together," Butt said. "Right away the notion was: 'Well, what can everybody do to help out?"'

Banescue has undergone one surgery since his accident, but says it's too soon for doctors to determine whether he'll walk again.

"It's about staying positive and I have a very good support group behind me and mentally and physically, I'm doing very well," he said. "I truly believe that physio is going well."

"We all love him and care about him very much," she said. "He has just been a really big part of our production and our happiness on set, so we wanted to give back some of our appreciation."


Anonymous said...

Your interview sounded great! I hope that your short visit with your brother went well. I can tell from the post that you are getting settled and comfortable at Wascana. I am so glad to hear it.

I have been rounding up as many people as I can to come to the Globe event. I will very surely be there.

I do not know when is a good time to stop by, but I will try and pop in soon at an appropriate time.

Always thinking of you! Seriously!

You are doing so incredibly well. Everyone is constantly talking about your amazing will power and we all know that you will reach your goal regardless of the means you have to take to get there!

Miss you and continue on being a rock star over there at Wascana...don't let all of the female staff fall in love with you.

Ally B said...

Hey Hey,

Back from Nelson and wanted to check in on all that I'd missed from a week of being in communicado - oh my it was a lot. Big week in your part of the world - I dedicated all of my teaching and practices to you, so you should have gotten some fresh kootenay healing energy - sending a care package tomorrow. I love you and will call soon
You look great, Joel. I can't wait to see you in person

Unknown said...

Hey BD,

Hope you are enjoying the weekend. Rest now my friend and Rock the shit out of physio all week! Show everyone your tony the tiger heart, you will do Grrrreat!

Anonymous said...

Hi Joel, you don't know me but I was one of the nurses that cared for you your first day on 5A. I also work at Bushwakkers and know your mom from coming in there. I just wanted to say how pleased I am that you are doing so well and have such an immense amount of support and love surrounding you. All of us on 5A hold both you and Jennifer in our hearts and wish you the best in your recovery at Wascana. Take the very best of care and know that the nurses you left behind are rooting for both of you. You will always be in our hearts and thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Hi Joel,
My goodness - we finally have a "star" north of the border! I read the LP article, and the information about the upcoming event being held for you, and can't help but be in awe of the mark you have been leaving on the people you touch. Finn and I will be at the theatre in spirit, and cheering you along in rehab. Keep smiling. Hilda - give him a big hug for me.

Anonymous said...

Just thinking about you and thought I would send a 'hello'. I unfortunately will not be able to make it to the fundraiser. I am sure it will be the event of the year. Keep up the good work and keep smiling.
