Thursday, August 9, 2007

day nineteen, settled in for the battle

I have settled in to Wascana into a fairly regular schedule. Got myself a sweet new ride, much more comfortable than last weeks chair. Just wanted to thank everyone for your continued love and support.

A special thanks and hugs and love to all who helped organize this amazing fundraiser! It really means the world to me and my family. Hoping to see many of you at the event.



Anonymous said...

Oh Joel.....
Your strong spirit and endless stamina awe me every day. I keep you close in thought constantly!

I came home today to an assembly line of wonderful people so generous with their time, their kindness and their ongoing support. The household "surplus", of which there is plenty, was being packed up and stored away. One step closer to getting the house up for sale.

To everyone who has been helping, a HUGE thank you from Donna and myself. For everyone who has been so thoughtful with Erin, also a HUGE thank you! There is really no way to express how we feel.

I will sign off with a quote that I think "sort of" says it.....


.....and for that we are so very grateful!

Much love to many people!

Sleep well Joel! XXOO Love Jan

Anonymous said...

you are an inspiration to everyone. I wish my grandma had your heart and spirit when her accident happened. missing you tons.

Anonymous said...

Joel - you're something!

Anonymous said...

Just talked to your mum. She was dropping Josh/Joshy off.Can't imagine how anxious he was to see you. I work all next week until 5 so will come to see you after work one night.I can think of better ways to get my picture on the front page of the Leader, Joel. You look cute with your little glasses. ttys love Auntie Sheila

Anonymous said...

Hi Joel:

Glad to hear you're all settled in Wascana....a lovely setting to be in. Keep up the hard work and your wonderful attitutde...our thoughts are with you every day.
U. Stan and A. Gerri

Anonymous said...

i am bored out of my mind at work. This front desk thing is not for me. Maybe if I was nicer to people and changed my attitude they would let me go back to actual work? Maybe your dad is right about the attitude thing:) .....nah