Thursday, August 9, 2007

Leader Post Article On Joel and Jen

Hi Everyone! Please go to to see the article on Joel and Jen. It is great! You can try the link below but it is very long! More to come....


Anonymous said...

Hi Joel & Family,
Such a great article. Your story doesn't let me take things for granted that I may have before. I've hung it up in my office for a reminder every day. I'm a dietitian now, so I apologize for the bad hospital food- especially the cold toast and cream of wheat daily-that I'm pretty sure would have been on your menu. Glad to hear you're at Wascana doing well and hopefully getting some better nutrition, although sounds like the family and friends have been treating you well in that area! Still checking the blog and wishing you the best recovery ~Whittick

Anonymous said...

What some guys won't do for their fifteen minutes of fame, or is this just another one of your schemes to meet a girl? Great article and pretty girl.

Unknown said...

Hey BD (Big Deal),

Well look @ you go studly. Charity benefit in your honour by a Canadian Comedy Cast that has global domination, they love that show in Dubia. Mind you, how can't you love it. Front page of the Leader with Jen. Wow buddy, leave some for the rest of us. I think you two will make a perfect team. See you soon stud.

Anonymous said...

Okay - I would like to remind you that I first put you in front of the camera during the Englishman's Boy shoot...and here is the Canadian Press article that just hit the wire coast to coast.


'Corner Gas' cast holds fundraiser to help carpenter for show after diving mishap
By Lee-Anne Goodman
Canadian Press

TORONTO (CP) _ A set carpenter on the CTV comedy ``Corner Gas'' says he's deeply moved by the love and support he's receiving from the cast of the hit show since he broke his neck in a diving
accident last month.

Joel Banescue, 26, is currently wheelchair-bound in a Regina rehabilitation centre after fracturing two vertebrae in his neck in the accident last month at Regina Beach.

But he hopes to be strong enough to attend the comedy show fundraiser that the cast of Canada's most popular sitcom is planning for him on Aug. 21 in Regina.

`I was completely overwhelmed, I'm still overwhelmed, to hear that they were planning such a big, major event for me,'' Banescue
said in a telephone interview from Regina on Friday.

`It has definitely lifted my spirits, because I just bought a house and I was worried about my financial situation. Now I don't really have to think about that stuff too much right now.''

The money might also help, he added, in the event he wants to leave Saskatchewan to seek treatment or medical advice.

` Now I could travel elsewhere to get treatment if I needed to,'' he said.

Brent Butt, star of ``Corner Gas,'' said the cast was happy to do whatever they could to help Banescue.

`He can't work and insurance is only going to go so far ... so we thought maybe we could help alleviate some of the financial worries so he can just concentrate on getting better,'' he said.

Regina's Globe Theatre has donated the space for the fundraising show, and local restaurants and nightclubs are contributing food and drink. The cast plans to perform a reading of a ``Corner Gas'' episode and participate in some comedy sketches.

`Everybody on the set knows everybody _ it's not Hollywood _ so everyone chums around and parties together,'' Butt said. `Right away the notion was: 'Well, what can everybody do to help out?'''

Banescue has undergone one surgery since his accident, but says it's too soon for doctors to determine whether he'll walk again.

`It's about staying positive and I have a very good support group behind me and mentally and physically, I'm doing very well,'' he said. ``I truly believe that physio is going well.''

Gabrielle Miller, who plays Lacey on the show, told the that everyone wants to help Bancescue out.

`We all love him and care about him very much,'' she said. `He has just been a really big part of our production and our happiness on set, so we wanted to give back some of our appreciation.''

Anonymous said...

Jeez man, they're right. How do you always end up lying next to the prettiest girl in the room?!?

Anonymous said...

For crap sakes Joel you're still the worlds biggest pimp. You even take your skills to the front page of the leader post. Article was awesome. I'm glad to see you have someone so close that is going through the same thing as you. That will help the both of you. See you next week bud.

Unknown said...

Hey joel,

These days i dont even need to come onto this blog and see how your doing because i can just look on the front page of the leaderpost!!! The things that are happening just for you are amazing!!!

I havent said hi in awhile...but it feels like i do everyday because i come on here everyday!! So i just wanted to say hi.....but it will be even better when i get to come to wascana and see how your are turning it into a happenin place!


Anonymous said...

Hey Joel - I saw the article this morning and I think your positive attitude is just amazing. And it sounds like you are making progress everday - great to hear. I'm thinking positive thoughts for you. Take care.

Donna in Winnipeg

Anonymous said...

I would just like to say, as your friend and an employee of the Leader-Post (CanWest) that it angers me that the Canadian Press spelled your last name wrong! Boo to them!

I am hoping to come see you at your new digs tomorrow. Pam Cowan, who interviewed you guys, asked that I bring along some copies for you and Jen so I will bring those!
love you,

Anonymous said...

That was a great article Joel! You are an inspiration.


Kel! S.

Anonymous said...

Such a great thrill to pick up the Leader Post this morning & see the lovely picture of you and your new-found friend, Jenn, on the front page. The article was so nicely written and made us very proud to know you and your family.
We're looking forward to attending the Corner Gas fund raiser but will see you before then.
Stay strong Joel.

Love Cal and Nancy

Anonymous said...

Aloha from Hawaii Joel!
We were truly sorry to hear about your accident. You left such a wonderful impression on our family (especially Jalen!) when you were here for the wedding last summer. We definitely believe you are a special guy. You've been in our thoughts and prayers all the time. I know that a positive outlook makes all the difference in the world when it comes to your health. You will get better. Keep all the strong feelings. Know that we are thinking about you often. Look forward to seeing you in October at the wedding.
With our warmest aloha,
Andrea, David, Kelli and Jalen