Friday, August 17, 2007

Look Alikes

Josh is back for a few weeks and has been hanging out and catching up at Wascana. Dad and him picked out a sweet flatscreen tv so watching movies is a lot easier!


Anonymous said...

you guys look great!

Anonymous said...

You guys look awesome! Josh-the beard looks wicked...kinda reminds me of Joel.

Anyway Joel, I am glad to hear that you are getting your butt kicked with the physio...something needs to keep you in line! Just bugging. You are looking better and better in every picture...that is to say that you look happier and stronger.

I was so glad to see you the other night. I am also glad to see that you have a visiting schedule..because I suck at the guessing games. I think that I will come in to see you tomorrow...I am missing your smile.

Think about the painting. I would love to do something that you are going to love. So keep it in mind and let me know. This is getting a little lengthy ( typical of me). I leave on the 27th and like I said the other night, I really want to get a little time in with you before i have to head back. OK..see you tomorrow, hopefully. hugs-Ju

Anonymous said...

You guys look great? We didn't know Josh was Amish.

Ally B said...

hey boys - looks like a party I am sorry I missed. Calgary is seeming so far away from Regina lately. Joel, climbing Mt Victoria this weekend with a girlfriend- concentrate really hard on Sunday night and I'll teletransport you there with us. As always I continue to bring you with me, close at heart - Can't wait to see you all soon.

Anonymous said...

Here is that website that i told you about. They have most of the new movies still in theaters and a ton of older ones. You can also watch tv shows and cartoons. Some are poor quality and have korean sub titles but they are free! The DIVX ones are the best

Enjoy a movie night. Don't let Jacqui eat the whole container at once!

Anonymous said...

I guess i should give you the site....

Anonymous said...

hey! Just tried callin ya....but the crew of Corner Gas raised you $350 or so dollars today....You are very much loved J.


Anonymous said...

Hey guys,

You all look great. Joel, keep working hard with physio - it'll be worth it. Josh - nice beard! Wish I was in Regina to see all of you.

Sending all of you positive thoughts,

Mark Miller

Anonymous said...

hi friend,

just getting ready to head out to the Rider game. it is sold out so i hope you watch on tv!

planning to come see you tomorrow, have a good night!

love court