Friday, August 3, 2007

Lookin Good!!


Anonymous said...

Looking good, Joel! Seriously, the "no hair" look should have been done years ago.

I am in Edmonton watching Carmen play soccer in the Western Canada Summer Games. It reminds me of your WCSG in Prince Albert. The Bancescue boys were the talk of the town (when they exposed their ripped muscle torsos) when rowing the 4x! If only you guys had also shaved your heads! You both would have had hundreds of girls hanging around...

Take care,


Anonymous said...

Hey Joel!
Glad to know there are a million people that love and care for you and that it is helping you to stay strong! I want you to know I am person number one million and one!I'm also so happy to see and read that everything is going well for you and that you continue to progress in your recovery! Anyway, the cathedral area misses you so hurry up and get back.
Smile lots,

Anonymous said...

you look tanned in this picture! glad to hear you had a good day, i will see you this weekend!
love court

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel, it was so nice to see you today - there is great strength in you, that is very apparent. And I hope you are successful in gaining a wee getaway from the hospital as you mentioned, to catch a bit of the folk festival!! If not, maybe a group of us can come in and give you our rendition of some of the performers, ha ha!! That might be more gruelling than the physio though...

Cheers friend, keep up the good work!


Anonymous said...

are u wearing a blue bird cafe shirt? sweet!

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel
I'm liking the new look. I can't wait until I am back from camp and can see all you guys. See you in a couple of weeks!


Anonymous said...

hey joel -

glenda and i are in calgary heading to canmore... just wanted to catch up with your days' activities.

you know, due to your popularity, i'm beginning to think that you and your recovery could be a reality series and make you millions!!!! but that's the money hungery accountant in me talkin'...

anyway - i was reading through some of the comments and found it incredibly coincidental that the paramedic who brought you in from the beach is a friend (went to classes with) my nephew eric who was living with us over the last few months (and who thought kayle was really cute!!!).

anyway, glad to read that things are going well and that jd broke through security to lay on the bed with you AND that you got that neck brace off for awhile.

thinking of you lots - hope you have a good week-end...


Unknown said...

Hey Stud,

Had a journey last night that brought me past your new crib. I pondered stopping by for some $@^& french toast. Probably a good idea that i didn't try. It was a long walk and thought about you lots, mostly about what i could smuggle you in, but i should have had a pen and paper cause i have forgot most of it now. Anywho, Keep fit and have fun.

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel
Just stopped by Donovel's for the paper and Gloria brought you up for me. Nice pix. Love the one of JD on the bed. Pets are a wonderful thing. Sounds like you are making progress every day. Your spirits look great and that smile. Should warn the nurses. eheheh.
Love ya and hi to everyone.
Gwen the beach bum Weir

Unknown said...

Your missing all the buffalo days fun! Oh well. Think happy (cool)thoughts on this warm day as I'm sure its hot in your room. Focus on your self and your goals and the rest of it will fall into place. *thinking of you*

Anonymous said...

Hi Joel, You don't know me but I think you may know who I am. I'm Kaley's friend Ally's mom. I have been following your progress since your incident as Ally called me and told me what happened.

It is comforting to know that you have the support of your family and so many friends and, of course, JD - Joel's Dog? to keep your spirits up and reinforce the power of positive thinking.

It's unfortunate we sometimes have to take a detour from what our life plan is but it's not the plan but the planning that is important, what we learn and our experiences along the way.

I'm rooting for you and know you will make a fantastic recovery. Physio is hard, but keep up the fight.

Donna, Kaley, Josh, Shane, Jan and Erin I'm thinking of you.


Anonymous said...

hey what`s up joel . were
at jonnie and jockoes house
at this moment . and we
saw arney and snickers .
do you no what game i love
is the sims . we are
on are way to see kathy
uncle carl and calvin and
dug and ?? . yesterday
in calgary we saw a coyote . love erin

Anonymous said...

Hi Joel, a couple of days obviously makes a big difference! You're looking great. Your hair is growing and JD looks right at home in your armpit! It's all good.

I am appreciating this blog even more so from the mountains. It's awesome to be able to keep up-to-date on what's happening.

Thinking of you always, knowing your strength - both physical but especially mental is helping you heal to the best you can be. The love and caring from you and around you is the best and it helps everyone stay positive. Keep strong!

See you soon. Have fun on your date tonight. Lots of love xoxo K.

Jennifer Brandino-Chabot said...

For someone who has spent the last two weeks in the hospital, you look pret---ty good!
Glad to hear that you are doing well in physio.

See you soon!


Unknown said...


I will now recount an event dating back to 1996 that still makes me laugh when I think about it (Note: I was not present when this occured, but the validity of this story was authenticated by several observers).

I'm not sure if he still does, but in his younger years Joel talked in his sleep quite a bit (FYI - if Joel is talking or snoring just give him an elbow and tell him to roll-over and that seems to shut him up). During a particularily vocal night in Pinawa, Manitoba Joel stood up from his sleeping bag, counted to 10 (nearly yelling), then laid back down and went right to sleep. You can imagine how bizarre this was to his startled and confused room mates!

That's about it. I guess some people might not see the humor in it, but this is one of many fond(and humorous) memories of Joel that I carry with me.

I have been checking the blog daily and relaying your progress to Angela. We were relieved to hear that your surgery went well and that you are making progress with your physio. It will be tough, but you're more than strong enough to handle it. Our thoughts and conversations often turn to you and your family these days. Wishing you nothing but the best Joel.


Anonymous said...

lookin real good! and tanned!
love you lots.

-ally g

Paula said...

Hey there Joel,
Glad to see you are being your amazing self! Keep strong, like we all know you will.
Take care....
P.S Lovin the shaved head!

Brandy said...

I love to see you smile!!Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

hi joel- just finished matts blog and decided I'd get one off to you. heavens you are a popular young man! matt is having a bit of a rough time of it right now, but we know that he will win - and so will you - both you boys have an inherent strength that is awesome and strong family ties and friends (even 4 legged ones). a strong faith and a positive mental attitude really does help. will continue to read your messages everyday - you are in our hearts and our prayers. Love you a bunch Aunt Joan and Uncle Butch in Florida. xoxoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

What a great picture, love seeing you smile. Your hard physio work, the love of a good dog, and your strong inner spirit sure pay off. Love you. Uncle John

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel. Great to see your smile. Hope to visit when the farm thing is done! Looks as though you could use one of those cowboy hats you "obtained" for me. Take care and all our best. KB