Wednesday, August 8, 2007

New Digs Update

Joel has moved over to Wascana Rehab. Once we know details for visiting we will let everyone know! Also, there are some fundraisers and things in the works so please keep checking back for details (which we will post in the next few days).


Anonymous said...


Congrats on getting into Wascana that is great. How is the physio these days? Still pretty intense? Dawn and Steffa made the semi finals in the pair. Stay strong good luck in Wascana.


Anonymous said...

Joel - your hard work and determination is an inspiration to all of us!! Keep up the great work (love the stash!)

Shane - remember that you just have to give us a call if there's anything we can do to help out with the fundraising, or if you just want to pop by our house for supper or a beverage...

John & Darcel Leonard

Anonymous said...

Wow Joel,

It seems like everything is moving along so smoothly for you and in such a positive direction for your recovery. I'm sure things have been challenging, but we all know you are capable of the challenges set before you. Keep strong... and you'll be back out there rowing in no time... Keep it up!!!!

Still sending so much support...

Erin Hubich

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel
I am so proud of you, you're doing great. Hope to come and see you soon. Take care you are in our thoughts and prayers daily.

Sheryl & Ed

Unknown said...

Hey Stud,

Erin Hubich eh, had an interesting convo with her the other day about you.....hahah. She is gonnna kill me for that. Hope the nurses are hotter @ the Wascana, i met one the other day when i was leaving your old place, told her to watch out for you. Keep rockin in the free world!

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel,

Just heard about this whole deal, so sorry to be belated with the well wishings. From what I've read on here and heard from friends, you are an inspiration and will be dropping killer spikes on the v-ball court in no time! Keep up the determination, hopefully I'll get up to see you with Curt and Ponch sometime this month.

-Chad Zimmer

Anonymous said...

Joel - Been gone all week to Waskesie where I had no internet access and off to Toronto about 5:00 a.m. tomorrow. While I feel out of the loop you need to know that you've been in my thoughts and prayers each and every day.
Keep up the positive attitude, perserverance and know that you have more than just one team routing for you - see you next weel - Brenda E