Saturday, August 18, 2007

pizza, beer and football

Saturday night, we are having a party in the room. Watching the football game, eating pizza and chugging back on a few "pops"! A couple of the other patients have joined us so we are having some laughs and visiting. Physio went well all week, Joel has been doing great in occupational therapy and learning new things everyday. Have a good weekend! Cheers.


Anonymous said...

Go Riders, Go!

Anonymous said...

Hurray for "pop"!

Unknown said...

Hey BD,

You had better seats in your room, it dumped bad @ the game, real bad. Then the jack ass's turned all the power off at the same time they stopped selling booze.....brrrrrruuuuttttaaaallll! Although there were some freshly wet white T-shirts....Minty. But then they turned the power back on and finished the game and the riders won! Pulled it out of the hat!

Anonymous said...

Hope you had an awesome time watching the game! I myself was able to serve a good chunk of rider fans before they headed to the rainy football game. Good times I tell ya. To top it all off I was dragged to one of my least favorite places to be on a Saturday night, however, I did see Pin and he said he was going to be visiting you soon. Everyone just cannot stop talking about you, you know! Well, have a chill Sunday and I will try and give you a shout later, ok? Cheers...and lots of good thoughts-Ju

Anonymous said...

I hope you had a good time at the bbq tonight. Good thing it didn't rain.

Wow, how hot was that hockey player today! How often have you seen me speechless? Never! Maybe I should chat with the grandma more and get the scoop on him:)

I'm watching Bourne Ultimatum on that site and it works.
Have a good sleep

Anonymous said...

get well

matt cherk

Anonymous said...

Hi Joel,

I'm extreemly sorry to hear about your accident but am so greatful to hear that your physio is going really well and you have so much family and friend support. You're such a hard worker, you'll do great. I'm going to dragon boat practice on Wednesday night and will row extra hard for you. I'm on the IPSCO Pipe Pirates (i'm their management club pt).

Miss ya,
Ash Shumate