Monday, August 20, 2007


So it's day 29 and I have finally gotten over a big fear - being on camera! I made the six o clock local news and it looks like we might be going national! Tha's quite an achievement for somebody who "hates" the limelight. Ha ha!

As for the weekend, I had a fantastic one! A great football game on Saturday and then an awesome family bbq on Sunday. Escaping from the hospital was such a good feeling and I had a few "road" pops for you all.

Missing you all and awaiting your next visits! Love you and can't wait to see all of you very soon! Jump Feet First!



Anonymous said...

Fear of the camera? You recall I've had you on screen before mister! And I'm sure I'll do it again.
See you tomorrow...

Andrea said...

Aviators - check
Beaters - check
Cheezie - check
Mullets - check

I think it's time for a road trip. See you soon.

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel,
I am a friend of your mom's and Jan's and saw you tonight on the tele. You were great! And, you looked great too! You are an incredible young man and an inspiriation. Keep up all the hard work and know that there is a lot of good vibes going your way.

Anonymous said...

movie star

Unknown said...

Hey BD,

Nicely done, are you sure you don't want that new value village suit for tomorrow night, specially if there are gonna be cameras you are gonna need to look GUD!

Glad you got some BBQ in you, maybe we will have to do some extra cheesey kd.

Ran into erin hubich @ the rider game, basically told everyone we were standing with the story.....i have never been beat by a skinny little girl like that before in my worth it. Soo funny.

Keep fit and have fun.

Unknown said...

Hey Joey,

From what I have read on the blog it sounds like you are making good progress with your physio. It also seems that your support network grows daily, which is great to see! I had a dream that I came to visit you at the hospital but you were in the middle of a press conference about your condition - kind of weird. Anyways, just wanted to touch base and let you know that we're thinking of you and wish you continued success and speedy progress. I hope that the DVD's are keeping you occupied between therapy sessions. Have fun at the Corner Gas benefit. Cheers,

Matt and Ang

Anonymous said...

Just a quick note to say I heart you...