Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Update - Tuesday August 7, 2007

Just received word that Joel has been accepted into the Wascana Rehabilitation Centre and will be packing his bags and moving on Wednesday at about 10:00 AM.


Anonymous said...

Hey Joel - Great news that you are moving to Wascana - the staff are a wonderful group of caring and very talented professionals - and one of the best things about Wascana is they serve fries in the cafeteria!

Take care Joel - and we will see you soon!

Brenda, Lorna, Erin, Merideth and CarrieJ

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling this is where you really amaze me with your determination, drive, tenacity, and outlook on life and what you want from it. I am taking notes. I love you cousin, have a great night tonight. I'm thinking of you a lot.

Anonymous said...

Hello Joel. I have been away all week and rushed in to town so I could see you but made it here after 8:00pm. Grrrr.. So I am really happy that you are moving to Wascana. They are so great there.
But can I still come see you?? I hope so.
I totally want some of those fries.
You are in my thoughts every single day.
Can't wait till I get to see you.
TUNS OF LOVE.... Shaylee.

Anonymous said...

I meant to come visit you today but work got a little crazy....
Glad that you're moving to Wascana. I'll see you sometime this week!
love you and sleep well.

Anonymous said...

I just heard about the accident today. hobbs got an email and let me know. we would have totally came up sooner and left a message if i had known. Curtis and I will visit you as soon as you are settled into Wascana. ill check the blog all the time to see when its the best time to come. i just know you're gonna pull through this because if your anything like your volleyball spikes, ur money all the time and nobody or nothing can beat you.

thinking about you buddy, Pancho Beskowiney

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're doing much better Joel!

(Mom gave me the blogspot address)

Brent said...

Great news buddy. Ill be stopping by some time after wednesday to show you all our lovely dino pics and tell you how the gong is ringing.

Anonymous said...

Every time more and more! You know what I mean....

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Auntie Sheila here. I see you have a new collar.The techs. at Wascana will soon have your legs up over yur ears. Ooh lala. Will see you there. lysl

Anonymous said...

Hi Joel
Gwen here at Gloria's ( she says hi too and she is thinking of you always). Had to read the blogs, I don't want to have a visual of you with your legs up over your ears. LOL. Did make me laugh though. Coming back to Regina (holidays are almost done). You will only be a mile from my house so I will walk over some evening and chat. Wow, you amaze me!!! Keep up the great work and will see ya soon.
Love ya and hi to all your wonderful family and friends.
Nurse Gwen