Wednesday, August 1, 2007

With Love from Joel

The last couple of days have been pretty challenging but very rewarding. Physio has been kickin me in the butt pretty good, but it’s given me some wheelchair mobility and the chance to get outside and get some fresh air. The continued love of sent cards and flowers is so beautiful. Everyone at the rowing club you are all my best friends. I love and miss you all. Thank you so much! And to everyone at my mom’s work, thank you for your love and support it means the world to me. I am at a loss for words….but I love you all and am thinking about you too.



Jennifer Brandino-Chabot said...

Hi Joely!
Headed to Vancouver for a couple of days but want you to know that i'm thinking about you.
We plan to come up at the beginning of next week, just want to make sure you are rested.
Mom and i have a gift for you.
I'm sure physio is really tough but it comes with big rewards.

Keep up the great work!
See ya soon.


Anonymous said...

We want to believe that things happen in our lives for a reason but sometimes that reason is really hard to figure out. It’s times like this when we truly realize the importance of allowing ourselves to embrace the generosity of others. For this, we thank you very much. We appreciate your kind donations more than you can imagine. To those who have donated so much time and sweat getting our house packed, cleaned, weeded, watered and ready to sale….. we thank you! Please know that your support and compassion helps us to see each day with new clarity. Thank you, thank you, thank you,

Kaley, Josh and Shane, Jacqui and our families, thank you, for keeping one another grounded and keeping connected.

Erin, thank you for the linear perspective that only a 7 yr old can have!

And Joel, we are so thankful for the ongoing lessons we learn from you. For your strength, determination and integrity. For your gentle soul and caring nature.

Lots of love and much gratitude,
Jan and Donna

Anonymous said...

Joel the club loves you back, and with extra too. I have no doubts you'll mend and fix yourself even better than you do boats. I didn't sign that rowing card because I don't make it down very often, Sunrise just isn't my style anymore. By the way, I row the 2x with Garret now, but I can't scull and I think he's going to kill me the next time we're down on star.
I'm sending you my good vibes and energy and well... just get better dude.
I hope you have hot nurses and skilled doctors.

Nathan Fry

Anonymous said...

Hi Joel - Thinking of you pretty much non-stop.


Anonymous said...

Good morning Joel,

Still following your progress and still impressed by your day to day achievements and the huge amount of people sending you their love and support.

Great to hear you are getting outside for some fresh air. There's still lots of summer left for you to enjoy and hopefully you will be back to your boathouse and Wascana soon! :)

Laura Hickman

Debbie said...


I think your mom and Jan said it best that things happen for a reason and sometimes it is hard to figure out why. Everytime I see and think about you I am in complete awe of your spirit. Your drive, mental toughness, and determination are so admirable. Your family is too amazing for words and well as we can all see you have a ton of fans:) I have learned so much from you.
I heard you got to see J-Dog in the fresh air yesterday and are rockin it in physio. Keep Shining Joel. Always thinking about you.

Love Debs

Anonymous said...

Joel and family,

I am not at all surprised by the love and support your family is receiving from your community. We do so freely, with all of our hearts, as a way to thank you for all that you have given us.

In the short nine years that I have known your family, the one thing that resonates above all else, is your passion. Whether it is in rowing, activism or life in general, you are not just contributors, you are leaders.

When something needs doing; whether it is winning a race, building a fence or giving someone a voice, you are the first to step up. It is not enough to do it, you do it to the best of your ability and you don’t quit until the job is done. You all approach the task fully, with passion and focus yet with humility and respect.

Whether it is your intent or not, your passion and enthusiasm motivates all of us around you – encouraging us to do the best we can – to better ourselves – to better our world.

It is unfortunate that your accident has given us the opportunity to vocalize how important you and your family are to us, but know that beyond the many people who have sent a message or reached out to help in any way, there are so many more standing back, sending their silent love and encouragement… so many more who you have touched and who are now touching you back.

Stay strong Joel – your struggle is our struggle.

big hug -

Anonymous said...

Kinda getting addicted to this site...thankfully the people at my new job are a sympathetic bunch..proud of you Joel for staying strong and focused....there seems to be just a "few" people on the continent that are willing you to succeed..and that most definitely includes us..the Dixons, Susan and Michael and especially Emily and I are thinking about you and your short mom, Kaley, Josh, Jan and Erin and hope you know how much love and support we're sending you.... just wish there was more we could do. Love Tall Donna (not big, tall)

Unknown said...

Hey Joel!

I heard about what happened through the grapevine of Curtis and Kelly. I am truly sorry. However, after reading your blog, it looks as though you are doing well & being very strong. I'm so glad.

Good luck with everything. My thoughts & prayers will be with you! All your friends from Charlevoix will be thinking of you & remembering all the good times we had in the shack!

Get better soon :) Love,

Dana Henninger, Kelly Gordon, Jessica Beattie & all your friends in Michigan

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel,
Good seeing you last night and hearing you laugh. JD is a babe magnet man. I bet ya he got 3 "I like your dog comments" during our walk. Maybe that was just a conversation starter though. I'll remember to sneek you some of those mini donuts on Sunday.
Take care dude bro,
JP Farago

Andrea said...

So - was JD a chick magnet prior to meeting Joel or is this a learned behaviour? Would JD be the same dog if he was raised by JP? Theorize. Also my new favourite website.

Anonymous said...

I haven't met JD,so I don'tknow what he might have been like in his previous life, but I think if he was raised by JP he'd be more like a husky/Chev 2500 Duramax: pure muscle & diesel power,with some nice interior refinement (read: a softy with the ladies), but not a suave chick magnet. thats just my theory...

Anonymous said...

Hey, good night Joel, we're thinking about you tonight.