Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Boys and Fernie


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you are doing well. You have many behind you giving you strength to help you through this...
Even thugh we lost touch many moons ago, it's nice to see the updates on family.
Best regards,

Anonymous said...

good times, with many more to come, keep in there dude... countin the days til im back to see ya dude

Anonymous said...

So Kenny tells me that if I go to the hospital there are all these young women up there to visit Joel and it's well worth the trip just to see them. But I can't make it. So they post a picture on this blog of one of Joel's visitors,JD! How cruel is that?


Anonymous said...


I am at work right now...but i am thinkin bout you. I just found a quote that I think is very fitting: "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched… but are felt by the heart." Because even though I can't give you a hug right now, what you have done for me is something no one in this world could ever do. You have shown me a strength and courage that I have never seen in anyone ever before. And the chance to get to know and see you has been incredible. I look forward to every moment we have together...You will get through this, and I know you know that, but I can feel it. I will see you this aft. XXX JS

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you have moved to a new location. Progress! It will only continue, so get used to it. Joel, you are one of the most gifted, natural athletes who uses his abilities so well, that I have ever met. You will use those same talents and gifts in your recovery to once again play Christmas hockey against us at the beach and row on the mighty Wascana. Just think, you and Matt are now sporting the same hairdo. Only yours is shorter! Looks good!

Take care,
Rob, Ingrid, Carmen, Anna and Rhys

Anonymous said...

It was a great surprise to be able to see you yesterday. You're doing so well! I have faith the progress will continue.

Anonymous said...

Maybe some of these girls (and probably the odd anonymous guy) who keep talking about how hot you are should have a look at this picture: green jacket, yellow pants, and a see-thru ontop of black garbage bag?!?! What gives?!?! Or is that secret style that I've been missing on the mountain out here? :)
Keep on truckin dude!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I've just been informed by the people around me that 1) yes, your are pretty hot, and 2) your style is better than mine.
I stand corrected.
Peace Love & Soul

Anonymous said...

The fashion police are coming!

Thinking of you, Joel.

A hug to you and your family - won't it be great when you collect on all the virtual hugs coming your way?


Unknown said...

Hey Stud,

Pretty sure kenny is right, so i will be there soon. But i promise not to be a creep like pete.....or kenny. And those guys always wondered why we never brought broads down to the beach. Got something for you. Gonna talk to deb tonight to see when is the best time to come see you. remember.....spider monkey!

Ally B said...

Is anybody else shocked that our blog has already 1500 hits. Joel - I'm actually considering that we could use this opportunity to create an online empire - something to think about.
Love you and am thinking about you -sending so much healing energy...can't wait to see you

Anonymous said...

Joel - Thinking about you always - hope to see you in the next day - look forward to viewing your progress in person.You have a tremendous support network pulling your way - we are all confident that your will, perseverance and commitment to life will continue to move you in a postive direction. Again, looking forward to a face to face - take care - B

Anonymous said...

Not sure if Kaley told you but i won my game today. It was awesome playing outside at Coney Island. There were about 100 people standing around watching and it was 95 here. I played good considering that i never play 1 wall. Tomorrow is the #1 seed and i am ready to take her out. See all the mental shit works:)

Anonymous said...

hey brotha,
hope you had a good day today. i will see you tomorrow. there is a rider game tomorrow night on tv. if you don't have that you might be able to find it on the radio. if not i can always give you a summary when it's over!
love court

Brandy said...

Starting to think my consaltation skills need some work.You look great with the new do.Glad to see your reunion with your four legged friend.Keep your spirits up,you of all peole know that hard work pays off,and the harder the work the bigger the pay off.

Anonymous said...


Thank you Joel. Your call, your voice, your tenacity --- wow --- you brought tears to my eyes again and you brought a huge smile to my face. Thank you. You know exactly where you are going and exactly how you are getting there and I'm so excited to watch and be a part of your journey while smiling in awe at your fantastic achievment.

Also, I've been thinking about Ally's proposition --- not only can we turn this into an online empire but I don't think it's unreasonable to parlay the success and, I don't know, branch out to the world of go-carts and mini-golf?

Love you, have great dreams tonight.