Tuesday, July 24, 2007

"The Englishman's Boy" movie set outside of Craven Sask.


Meghan said...

Hey Joel~ I hope you had a good night last night. It was really good to see you yesterday, even briefly....but like you said, we'll have lots of time to chat later! I know how important your rest is right now, so get lots and just know that you are in my thoughts and prayers every single minute! I love you Joel!

Susan Weir said...

Hi Mr. Bancescue: Get Better! I have been sending you my weird and wacky healing energy via the universe...it works in mysterious ways. I have also been sending it to your family and Debbie (just in case any of them have been feeling "odd" in the past few days...hahaha). Get strong for Friday...all will be well.

love to all of you

your friend Susan "weirdo"