Thursday, July 26, 2007

J and K

Still smiling and loving everyone's support!


Anonymous said...

Great photo you two. Love the hair Joel - did you get it done special for the pic? All joking aside, good luck with your surgery tomorrow. I will be thinking of you.


Anonymous said...

hey joel,

I forgot to tell you Nikki was going to send you a Strip-o-gram. Oops. I notice she commented on that in an earlier post! Anyway, I am really sorry I wasn't able to see you before your surgery, but I am glad it is happening because I know you probably want to get it over with. Stay strong and know you will be in my thoughts. I hope you don't get sick of my messages because I will write at least once a day if I don't get to see you! Love you lots and I hope the surgery goes well. Talk or write soon.


p.s. Family, if there is anything I can do or get for you guys please let me know!

sean thomson said...

Hey Joel I hope that you are feeling better and that the surgery tommorrow goes as planned. i will come and see you when i know you are able to get visitors.

Unknown said...

Hey joel!!

Good luck tommorrow!! I cant wait to come visit you guys!! I will be thinking about you lots, and dont expect the ringing in your ears to stop any time soon with all the people thinking about ya!! ;)

Love ya

Anonymous said...

Joel, our thoughts and prayers for you now, tomorrow and in the near future.

Your old neighbours, Cam and Annette

Anonymous said...

Joel --- you gave me goosebumps --- and tears.
I love you. KK loves you.
You are our epitome of strong.

Kirby said...

Hey Joel,

Hope your surgery goes well tomorrow. I was so shocked to hear about what happened (as you could probably tell from the visit!). Its good to hear about your improvements and it sounds like your strength and courage are helping you every day.

Wishing you and your family the best.

Thinking of you,

Jennifer Brandino-Chabot said...

Hi Joel!
I'm sorry to hear what has happened.....i can't stop thinking about you. Shed many tears but hope that everything goes well with your surgery.
I will come to visit as soon as everything has settled down and your a bit more comfortable. I've heard you've had a few visitors!!!!
Hope all goes well, i'm thinking about you.......
Love you lots!

Patricia Brandino said...

Hello Joel,
It seems that you have spread your charm throughout Regina. I bet you didn't realize how LOVED you are! You are strong and you will over come. I am so looking forward to seeing you when you are feeling better. We can talk about the movie work we have in common now. My thoughts, my prayers and all my love for a speedy recovery.
Hugs and Kisses to you and your whole family.
Pat xxxx/oooo

Shae said...

Hi Joel,
I just heard about your accident from Jan today and have been thinking about and praying for you all day. Hope your surgery goes well tomorrow and you continue to make good progress in the days ahead.
Take care,
Shae Edwards

Anonymous said...

Joel...enjoy the momentary rush of the anaesthtetic as you go under...(hey one has to find positive things at times!) Sadly coming to again after the op wont be quite as fun... more like a hangover.
I hope they fix you up well...
Am following your progress.
Stay positive and focussed...
Cheers brother

Anonymous said...

Hi Joel,

Good luck today. I am sure things will go extremely well in surgery today. One of my bestest friends works as a social worker in ICU, I am not sure if your family has met her but her name is Kerry Huynink and she is wonderful. If your family or you requires anything she would be more than happy to help you guys out.

p.s - Kind of funny but.... she knew exactly who you were considering I had a crush on you the majority of my childhood growing up at the beach...aka "the hot rower boy from Regina Beach"..

I hope you have a great day!

Jill Gawley

Anonymous said...

Hi Joel,

We got the word here in Calgary from Garret...Mike, myself and all the ex Calgary Rowers are thinking of you. You've always been an amazingly strong person and it sounds like you are recovering really well already, so just keep up that strength and focus because you've got friends all over the place sending you their support.

Thanks to everyone who is doing such a great job of keeping this blog up to date!


Ally B said...

Joel - all the best for surgery today - Love you tonnes

Anonymous said...

imagine that my lil sister having a crush on you:) at least she never changed your diaper....oh wait neither did, or thats what i claim.

Hopefully by the time K reads this to you, you are out of surgery and have the halo off, although your probably in the neck brace now. Thinking of you and your family.

D-Vaughn said...

Joel Bud;

Devon McCubbin here. I don't know if you remember a dude named Shane Gudmundson from Sheldon, but he is my roomate here in Kelowna! We were hoping to see you at Wakefest.. it was a blast man. Anyways, we both extend our thoughts to ya and wish you the best in surgery (Gotta love pain relieving drugs!). If you need a vacation once you are all better and full of piss and vinegar, don't be hesitant to drop a line!

See ya sooner or later buddy!


Anonymous said...


good luck with the surgery today, I'll be thinking about you and your family.

love jenna

Anonymous said...

Good Luck today Bud!

Court & Z said...

Hey Buddy, you look as gorgeous as ever!!! I am thinking of you as always and I am sure your surgury will go beautifully tomorrow. Each day you amaze me, the progress that's being made is one for the books! I love you so much and can't wait to see you!xoxoxxo Court

Anonymous said...

Hey Darling,
Word travels fast in Regina, Alex Rhead called me at 6am Monday morning to tell me what happened... NOT a plesant wake up call let me tell you!!! I hope NEVER to receive one like that again!! Glad to see your making superb healing progress!!! My thoughts and Prayers are with you !!! Love you tons!!!!! Good luck with your surgery!!!!!!! P.s. Be expecting a visit when the time permits. XOXO

Anonymous said...

By reading this blog and seeing how positive you are and hearing of your speedy healing powers has made me stronger in being able to write to you.
With your positive attitude and shining spirit Joel, I know you can get through anything. All of the love and energy people are sending you will help for a clear path to your recovery.
I know my whole family sends their love and prayers your way.
I love you Joel, and want you to get better so we can finally catch up on that coffee date that has taken years to have.
My thoughts are fully with you and your family on this day of surgery.
And a hug is waiting for when I finally get to see you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel,

It's 11:20 on Friday morning, just wanted to let you and your family know I am thinking of all of you. Take care, good luck with the rest of the surgery, hopefully you are almost done it by now. The next few days will be hard and sore, but the worst is almost over and the best is yet to come.

See you soon,

Love Danica

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel,
Wishing you lots of love and luck on your surgery. It's amazing how much you have accomplished and we know that the progress will continue. Stay strong buddy.
JP and Vanessa

Anonymous said...

Hey there Joel buddy! it's your old nemesis from the crc. Man, I'm so sorry to hear this news. To a braver soul, this couldn't have happened.(i did bad(ly) in english). When i first heard the news, and got some details, it totally reminded me of Christopher Reeve when he had his accident (the picture helped to). That's coz you pretty much reminded me of superman all the time too! You're a super hero dude, this, you can beat. I'll send you some healing vibes from the 403.

Brandy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


I can't believe how in an instant, everything that ever happened, everything I ever did, everything that meant anything changes. Moments, memories, reminders, they are all still there. Holding on to them is all the more important.

So many times you were the rock that kept me grounded and gave me strength. Even though we have lost touch - there are always little reminders of the times we spent together as friends (causing trouble).

If anyone can come away from this stronger, it's you. I hope that I can be a little piece of the rock that you use to rebuild yourself.

Be strong Joel,

Jolene Sentes