Thursday, July 26, 2007

Joel's Response

Joel’s Response:

I don’t know what to say. I haven’t had a chance to read all the comments but ive read most of them and I am very overwhelmed by the love and support. I feel very loved and cared for in a way that I had never really realized. It’s been a tough week, but with each day progress is made, even the most minimalist things seem like the biggest accomplishment. With surgery pending tomorrow morning I will be thinking of you all and following surgery I will post another response. I love you all and thanks again everything is appreciated.



J and D said...

Joel -

(And Donna, Kaley and Josh)

Sue called me this morning and I've been thinking about you guys all day. It is evident from this site that you have an incredible amount of support from friends and family behind you. We'll be thinking about you from Ottawa tomorrow.

Please let us know if there's anything we can do.

-Jesse Arnup (now there's a blast from the past!)

Anonymous said...

Hi Joel
You look really cute with your halo. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you tomorrow and our best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Look at me, even at this age you can heal fast (lol).
Love Sheryl & Ed

Anonymous said...


Jess passed along the news to me this morning. Although I haven't seen you in quite some time I remember you fondly and was sad to hear what happened. I just wanted to send you and your family best wishes as you go into surgery. I hope that things continue go well in the coming days. We'll be thinking of you.

Take care,

ebarootes said...

Hello Gorgeous,

Well it took me two days to figure out how to leave a message. In that time I was thinking of something really inspirational and moving to say, however, I feel I can sum everything up by saying "I love you buddy and I am thinking about you everyday". You are a strong guy and I know you will remind us all of this with a record time recovery.

Missing and thinking about ya!

-Erika Barootes