Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Anonymous said...

The Gap girls weren't lying.

janine said...

Joel, me and zook are thinking about you and you are definitely in our prayers. I know how strong you are and how strong you will be!!! Take care buddy! Hope to see you soon!
Love Janine and Jordan

Anonymous said...

Joel - you've always had an indomitable spirit. That and your loving family and friends will get you through this. Thinking of you. Aina

D'Arcy said...

Hey Joel, Hang in there, you will get through this. We will turn our prayers to you because we know that prayers do work. We have a great family with lot's of love and support. I will continue to keep track of your progress.
Love to you and all of our family that is up there with you!

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you. You will get through this, you are strong. Even though I'm so far away for you guys, I'm always thinking about all of you. Hang in there, love alana

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Joel --- I'm thinking about you today --- i woke up laughing at getting stuck in the 4runner - oops. have a great morning. Love you.

Debbie said...


You are the bravest and strongest person I know. Your courage throughout everything absolutely amazes me. You have such a wonderful supportive family behind you - who have been there for me as well. I think about you all the time and know your determination and bright spirit will get you through this. Keep shining. I love you. See you very soon.


Anonymous said...

Hey Joel, I’m so happy to hear that your recovery is moving in the right direction and truly moved to see all the love and support you’re getting from friends and family. Personally, I really like the opportunity to cheer you on!! I’ll be thinking of you on Friday and sending tons of positive energy your way buddy. Stay strong and focused.



Anonymous said...

Hey Joel,
Glad to hear things are progressing! Rest up for that surgery on Friday - I'll be thinking about you. As you know from rowing - never underestimate the power of a positive attitude!
All the best,

Anonymous said...

hey joel,

i wonder what you will get for lunch today... how could they possibly improve toast and salad??!! hmmmm maybe jello or tasteless potatoe mash???

i heard they are limiting your visitors so i hope it isn't too quiet for you today... it is probably best that you get your energy up to prepare for friday.

we've been taking jd out for walks and he misses you lots so hopefully you will continue to improve and be able to hit the road with your buddy soon!!

joanne (and glenda)